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13 de Diciembre, 2013    General

Astrological Predictions President Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro 2014 - Astrological Predictions

This year for Nicolas Maduro will be very controversial and difficult to handle the situations that are reaching extreme and absolute level, which will lead to having both strong opponents in their own country and in relation to foreign countries . It is likely that the situation will become unmanageable for many reasons , and people who now supports support you out , because you will see that his attitude is beyond wanting to impose a political system , it is probably more an attitude of revenge with rich people or having large resources of money, which somehow is moving much big capital and the income of a country. He has itself a deep frustration, and also very deep thirst for revenge , which is what people hide a Bolivarian nationalist attitude . This year at the annual map Saturn is squaring it with the moon, indicating that you will have a cold and rigid attitude with people, and secondly the attitude that people start taking to him, on the other hand is square Mars Mercury indicating their thoughtless or irrational attitude of wanting to impose their ideas on any price.The Sol - Jupiter and Uranus trine make a great positive , giving it a senzación security and freedom that perhaps at other times in his life has not been , but these planets to see is your bad aspects with others, so the results can be fatal for him and his government. Also have all kinds of conspiracy and betrayal on par with what he does . The situation puts you in a place that you think is going to be able to perpetuate in power forever , but the political situation with foreign countries will be critical , even with those who believe that support it , and his situation will deteriorate , to be untenable, and other factors that will also make it very difficult is he subject of his health, since Neptune is transiting Pisces, which has Jupiter in your 8th house , which may indicate circulatory , venous problems, alcohol , or drugs, psychological problems , excessive ambition , liver problems, or viral infectious , respiratory, etc. , chances are if this year surgery was done tend to death in a coma or excessive loss blood . Have some scoops on the economic issue and negotiations with foreign countries, and moments that feel so good , but it is not. Its greatest period of risk for their lives to be 53, as long as the company is trying to suppress does not stop him before. There may be an event that will mark greatly although not visible , and is the 01/01/2014 , which can be a trigger for many first things that will follow . Another time will be marked in July 2014 , that will have an endless number of events that will mark him and his people , and in August 2014 will also have to review the issue of health. In sum this year will have ups and downs and so social health.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer

To consutas


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Palabras claves , , ,
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