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06 de Abril, 2016    General

Aries New Moon 07/04/2016

This New Moon Aries is in the 12th house and conjunct Uranus, so the force of Aries is renewed but from the inside, is like a rebirth, is as out of the depths of darkness, to restart everything that has been stagnant for a long time, though Uranus has been demanding to make reforms or changes, here the demand is much greater, the need for freedom and individuality is total. Pluto square Uranus continues, making trends continue social, political reforms, the rebelliousness of the peoples governments or economic policies. Saturn and Mars continue in conjunction, usually both do strength building, endurance, strength and structure to make. seriousness, constancy and rectitude of Saturn together with sexual and combative force of Mars, making sexual contact has the brake realism of Saturn. This combination is inharmonious to the Nodes, Jupiter and Neptune, giving sensation a brake very deep toward the final destination of each person, a feeling of defeat, disappointments, disappointments, frustrations of all kinds, especially in the sexual area, the psychological , etc. The crisis at the international political level can be in a very deep crisis, with attacks of all kinds, stock market crash, all kinds of armed clashes, etc.For different signs:Aries are very profound changes, changes in attitude towards life, very inventive, and much tendency to individualism.Taurus is as alien all or indifferent to everything, good time for materials and money situations.Gemminis are very demanded by the situation, fate looks with nonexistent or not seen, many tensions that affect the bones.Cancer are very demanded by these days, situations can be very extreme or difficult to handle, may be a situation that the change of direction in life.Leo crises and tensions can use them to do much more inner strength or strength, feel very capable and strong to face everything.Virgo on the one hand have very good chances to continue programming things that can be the target, and a large scale, with very good projects. On the other hand many obstacles to overcome.Libra may have changes in labor, and in the area of ​​the couple, trend separatist.Eye with proposals for people who are not much known about them, a tendency to betrayal and deception.Scorpio good time socially and partner, much intuition, self-control.Sagittarius on the one hand much constructive force, self-control, fighting force, but with little patience or little tolerance, intuition does not help. Eye drops and bones.Capricorn side for a good time in labor or professional, but with many tensions with the family and the couple.Aquarius tensions these days can take indifferently or somehow does not affect, good time in labor or professional, a lot of contact with friends.Pisces goals are based on the experiences of the past are as anchored to situations and feel very lonely or misunderstood.By birth charts to

RICARDO M. ZANI I astrologo

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