The Sun is in the 11th house, and the Moon in the 5th house, Sun conjunct Venus, Uranus and Mars. This multiple conjunction in Aries makes for a great strength of action and reaction, a huge energy to be used as power to get things moving and at other times is not desiniciativa to do. A huge force on sexuality, which can be shown as a great inhibition, or be able to do things that in another time would not also a great need for holding or expressing boldness, extreme want to live or want to feel the adrenaline pumping it is likely that there are people wanting to experience things without limits, and do things that put their lives at risk without thinking of the consequences. But the mixture of the four planets can generate a loving sexual attraction uncommon and occur couples who have sexual and emotional affinity that leads them to continue for a while, stop the trend of Uranus and Mars is rapidly burning and power relations, as the power of lightning, so many others only last step in Aries, Venus and the sun can make the link permanent. The four planets are in opposition to the Moon square Pluto, this is a very critical point at all, both in the social, political, economic, and can produce a crisis that builds international armed conflicts, acts of war of large scale, massive explosions, large demonstrations of the people, etc.. Saturn is in quinscuns with four planets and Jupiter, so politicians and international politics will be in a real crisis or a period of difficult solution. It is likely that one or some politicians to leave office by not being able to continue with its mandate. From the point of the Earth's climate could have major windstorms, floods, tidal waves, earthquakes, massive volcanic eruptions, etc.. Here are some of the most critical days of the year, in every way, but for some few days unsurpassed experiences and experiences of all kinds.
For different signs:
Aries on one side has all the strength and optimism to make and operate, much sexual magnetism, many fighting force, maybe a great love.
Taurus needs to get away from all relationships that overwhelm him, perhaps a vacation or outputs to another unusual place to help you regulate.
Gemini need a little more rest, a good time for self-analysis.
Cancer good time to start things commercial achievements of money, optimism.
Leo diplomacy has to remain standing, and strength to cope with situations with siblings and parents.
Virgo his main concern right now is the family and especially the children, but is in a very good moment for creativity and expression.
Libra partner relationships and social relationships go wrong these days, a lot of pressure from family and friends. Beware pregnancies.
Scorpio is a very complex situation, what is more is that health care and work. Maybe new work projects.
Sagittarius health and labor are pushing to keep it in action, but is acting as an observer.
Capricorn is in the eye of the storm, with many pressures, but with the possibility of renewing partner or partner, your health care muchiiisimo.
Aquarius is a good time to travel, and to renew situations, professionally, spiritually, sports, which can reach very high peaks.
Pisces is full of doubts and what direction to take, but it continues to support the deep intuition that accompanies it, perhaps their achievements in business, or profession.
RICARDO ZANI astrologer
For charts to zanimiguel9@gmail.com