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08 de Febrero, 2016    General

Aquarius New Moon 02/08/2016

This New Moon occurs on the 11th house in Aquarius, so the goals or objectives are the most important, is a good time to put into action all projects have standing, it is good time to have separate action, that Aquarius likes the freedom and liberation from all that slows or interferes with their projects here in the 11th house is much stronger action of rebellion and individualism. As Aries is in the ascendant, the other signs remain in their own homes, then have the force of action or are enhanced. Pluto, Venus and Mercury are conjunct the Midheaven or 10th house, this can give a lot of mental, social force, a power point, especially positive for politicians and businessmen, and for some people may indicate improvements in labor or the profession, achievements in studies, achievements in research, whether scientific or economic achievements for writers, economists, architects, fashion designers, designers, etc. This triple combination is supported with positive aspects of Mars, Jupiter and the lunar nodes, so it is enhanced with the possibility to expand, very enthusiasm achievements, a lot of inner strength and inner power. There may be people who jump to fame through this astrological situation.For different signs:Aries as it is at home, has a lot of inner strength to act and do what they propose, also has a wheel of fortune that accompanies them. Many changes, good luck, lot of rebellion and independence.Tauro lot of inner strength, material achievements, stability and inertia together.Gemminis much enlightened, solve situations with relatives, especially siblings, try not to make long trips. This New Moon helps to make changes and manage projects.Cancer really, really required in every way, especially in the area of ​​the family, struggle to do changes in home or home and family, but they have a lot of strength to achieve important things.Leo is the new moon REQUIRES far the press, forcing them to have to face situations especially in the family and work.Virgo good time in labor, and the possibility of great achievements, accomplishments destination, labor to expand, new projects, new life.Libra good time socially, interesting situations in the area of the couple. Maybe pressures in the labor area or profession, eye with people who are related, there may be treachery or deception, especially in the loving area.Scorpio very good time in labor and professional, good time sexually, good magnetism, very focused on objectives. Eye care for the issue of health above all.Sagittarius good time to travel, perhaps to reflect on his fate or what they think to do or project, you may not see clearly their destination, but they can achieve great things.Capricorn believe are at their best in order to achieve its objectives in the profession, labor, social, cultural art ,, etc. Further achievements in the sentimental theme. They feel with a touch of extra power.Aquarius the astrological situation helps the realization and the beginning of their projects. Beware of extremist attitudes, attacks and extremist statements. Trigger temper.Pisces intuition and memories have highly sensitive, and the need to be understood or understood. They have a lot of inner strength to face all, maybe one important achievement in the profession and work, and some major sexual contact.By birth charts to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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