02 de Enero, 2012
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alkaline water, more life and health |
Add the water a pinch of baking soda and half a lemon
How to cure "incurable" diseases in a real and permanent?
is a scientific claim recognized by the international community of
Medicine, clinically tested, and made by the largest global water
The affirmation of the DR. Fereydoon
Batmanghelidj that most degenerative diseases are caused especially by
dehydration of the organism to the chronic lack of water.
The water is not replaced by juices or other liquids
For the many chemical reactions taking place in our body are possible need enough water intake each day.
Failure to do so not only prevents the proper functioning of the body but can cause many diseases.
The juices are insufficient because the water there is already saturated with elements, and are highly damaging referescos.
Water is required. ¿Wash your car with juice? same thing happens when you need to rid the body of toxic acid waste ... only water, also free of toxic acidic wastes is what you eat.
Fereydoon Batmanghelidj The doctor explains in his book "Your body demands water bawling."
Chronic dehydration is the body's main stress and unknown responsible for the death of millions.
It is also responsible for most deaths from disease, well above any other condition.
the arrogant countries' health systems, supposedly advanced, not as
important and continue to treat patients with chemicals instead of
plain water without chlorine, until finally achieve real problems
appear. (Obviously more profitable to sell drugs than water).
explains that when a human being can appear dehydrated allergies,
asthma and chronic pain in different parts of the body from pain
rheumatoid arthritis dyspeptic up through that of angina, lower back,
legs, migraines, colitis.
And although such pain is felt in localized areas are really telling us is dehydration of the organism.
Knowing this is important, especially among physicians.
For if such symptoms are not recognized as urgent warnings that the body needs water ... can then reach a chronic dehydration can cause many long term and irreversible damage.
And the bad thing is that this pain is rarely interpreted as a sign that the water level is low the body needs a minimum.
Doctors know, because tests so indicate, that in the body there is excess histamine ... but
what they do is usually prescribe antihistamines or histamine blockers
which act in addition to not cause above the cause negative side
When would suffice to tell the patient to drink enough water every day and alkaline naturally lower level of histamine.
the reader should know that antihistamines block the brain capillary
dilation precisely when the dehydration-in-situation must compute
information much more normal, as in a stressful situation.
In addition, when using antihistamines the brain receives less blood supply and thus nutrients.
And in this state many functions of the brain cells begin to deteriorate.
Among them, the transport system of neurotransmitters to nerve terminals.
Lack of water (acid free) IS THE MAIN CAUSE OF BRAIN DISEASE.
fact is that as chronic dehydration Batmanghelidj brain cells together
with the lack of sodium and an essential amino acid - (tryptophan) -
are the leading cause of brain diseases:
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, cerebellar ataxia, depression ...
the brain it is essential therefore a good level of hydration free
drinking alkaline water acidic elements, but contains alkaline minerals
like calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium as in the interior of the
cells are absolutely essential to both generation of hydroelectric energy which is fed as the proper functioning of the mechanisms of neurotransmission.
The pancreas needs a lot of water containing alkaline minerals.
And when the body is dehydrated it is not possible with the digestive process can not be performed efficiently.
other words, when the body is dehydrated, when you have water
shortages, there is no guarantee that the gastric juice is neutralized
And there begins dispépsico pain.
Obviously, as the stomach can not permanently retain its contents, the body has only one way to empty: the mouth.
And induce vomiting.
action that brings another problem that causes irritation in the
esophagus over the acidic foods to go from the stomach into the mouth:
what we call "burning of the esophagus."
of water also causes other diseases: The case of colitis, or
inflammation of the colon, and constipation that often is associated.
Both conditions should be considered "clear signs of dehydration of the body."
it is true that the lack of fiber food can cause both problems is more
important is the lack of water because without it there is no lubricant
and excrement can not be removed (or do so with great difficulty).
situation that is exacerbated when, meal after meal, we still do not
drink enough water and accumulate in the large intestine hardened
feces, what is called constipation.
that eventually ends up causing pain and inflammation in the colon,
sometimes with infection-and that is what is known as colitis.
There is no doubt that both constipation and colitis are avoided by drinking enough alkaline water every day.
may be caused by chronic dehydration of the body: Many bulimics who
feel an uncontrollable urge to vomit and instantly after eating, do so
because your body not having enough water to alkaline environment of
the stomach before moving to intestine are forced to do so.
Most people, especially the obese, unconsciously confuse "need to eat" with the "need to drink."
If properly hydrated by drinking enough water every day, the false sense of hunger ", which is not thirsty, but disappear.
arthritis is a disease caused by the pathological changes of the
cartilage - tissue-forming joints, causing pain and swelling in joints,
over time, can be damaged causing severe osteoarthritis, ie
deformations of bones.
Medicine divides them into different "types" but the two most common are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
is the most common type and usually occurs with age, after 45 years,
especially affecting fingers, knees and hips.
Rheumatoid Arthritis, however, is attributed to a malfunction of the immune system and most often affects the hands and feet.
It is also thought that can lead to gout, lupus, and viral hepatitis.
most serious, in any case, it is actually officially known cause-only
musings and no one medication to cure, and the future of those with the
"disease" is to suffer for life constantly consuming anti-inflammatory,
analgesic and other hazardous palliative fatten the accounts of the pharmaceutical industry and end up killing the person.
Batmanghelidj, however, the millions of people worldwide who suffer
from some form of arthritis should know that the problem is usually
caused by chronic dehydration also.
to him, the pains in the joints should in fact considered as mere
indicators of lack of water on the surface of the cartilage of the
affected joint.
That is, the arthritis pain would just be another sign of dehydration and acidity in the body.
cartilage surface of the bones should contain plenty of water to
lubricate the joints and allow the two opposing surfaces glide freely
with each other during movement.
Allowing well hydrated cartilage damage due to friction is minimal. '
Therefore, when there is not enough water and the joints are not well hydrated, obviously the lubrication is not adequate ... surfaces rub together and causing the acidity acts called arthritic pain.
it should suffice to increase the regular intake of alkaline water to
produce a greater amount of blood circulating in the prehydrated area
full combat acidity cartilage ..
this water is alkalized the results will be slow because, apart from
not contain acids, effectively cleanses the body of toxic elements
causing acid confident arthritis.
THE TERRIBLE osteoarthritis
and acid waste in the joint surfaces can cause serious damage to the
point of stripping the bone surfaces and leave them uncovered, the
damaged tissue then activates a mechanism to repair and remodel the
And it does so by secreting hormones into the joint capsule to remodel and restructure the surfaces. Unfortunately, this is a repair process that often times cause deformation of the joints, ie osteoarthritis.
addition, to prevent arthritis what should be done is to take seriously
the first initial pain, then begin to ingest enough water daily free of
acids and make joint therapy to stimulate the circulation of the area
to regain mobility.
the pain does not disappear within a few days would get excellent
results by combining the alkaline water sections and magnetic
hyperthermia therapy.
These actions also apply to the spinal joints.
the difference that where the water not only lubricates the contact
surfaces but is stored in the heart of the intervertebral discs in
order to withstand the pressure of the weight of the upper body.
When there is dehydration intervertebral discs and joints of the spine are among the first organs affected. And
his assessment seems right indicates that the involvement of the 5 th
lumbar disc, whose function is so important to stand tall usually
occurs in 95% of cases of spinal problems.
when it is in poor condition occur as a result various muscle problems,
including back pain, lumbago, or, familiarly known as "kidney pain" but
in reality they do not cause disturbances but the different structures
that are the spine, ligaments, muscles, spinal discs and vertebrae.
short, to avoid back pain Batmanghelidj advises drinking enough water,
and alkaline water is best for its great moisturizing power. Then make a series of exercises to create an intermittent vacuum that draws water into the disc space. Thus ensuring that any back pain was relieved in half an hour.
Migraine is also often due to dehydration or lack of drinking 8 glasses of water acid-free. (Filters do not filter the acid and stop the poisonous chlorine)
Migraine is a critical indicator of regulation of body temperature.
That is, a condition that reveals a kind of "heat stress".
Something that is avoided with the simple regular intake of soft water.
in this case, cold alkaline water to lower body temperature and brain
from the inside and promote closing the peripheral vascular system
whose expansion is the underlying cause of migraine.
is commonly accepted that depression is associated with social stress,
ie, fear, anxiety, insecurity, marital problems and persistent work ...
To Batmanghelidj, however, depression, sorrow, decay, and so on. are the result of a lack of water in brain tissue.
Assertion is supported by explaining that the brain uses electrical energy to operate and it is generated inside the body ... precisely thanks to the circulation of water.
the level of dehydration power generation especially in the brain
decreases, so many brain functions that depend on that kind of energy
become ineffective.
And the "incompetence" function is what we call "depression".
that the depression caused by dehydration is also what often leads to
so-called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a condition that would only be a
label placed on a series of advanced physiological problems are
associated with stress and, therefore, the chronic dehydration.
that rests on the fact that in all cases he has tried, after a period
correcting dehydration and metabolic complications, chronic fatigue
syndrome improved dramatically.
When the body is dehydrated starts about physiological processes similar to those activated when a stress response.
So dehydration causes stress and stress causes further dehydration because water depletes the body.
is, when the body lives a stress-or dehydration-assumes a situation of
crisis and begins to mobilize a response to this situation. Among other things, activating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Drinking water problems in life are not fixed but the person gets enough mental strength to overcome them calmly without stress.
Chronic dehydration is a primary factor
can not overlook the relationship between stress, chronic dehydration
subject to age, persistent prolactin secretion and transformation into
cancer of the breast glandular tissue.
to ensure that the daily intake of alkaline water is a preventive
measure for breast cancer in women and prostate cancer in men.
that the cell membrane is composed of two layers that are held together
by the adhesive property of water where they float between them enzymes
which react together, cause the desired action within the cell.
when there is enough water between the two layers of the cell membrane
own biochemical reactions can develop normally, but if the flow is
insufficient cellular functions are negatively affected.
to prevent dangerous possibility that nature is endowed with a
wonderful mechanism: the creation of water filters through the membrane.
dehydration is acute and urgent need for water is greater blood flow to
the nerves throughout the body releases histamine in the cells lining
causing inflammation and damaging the area.
swellings are the external manifestations of the local process that
have been tagged with the name of various diseases, including MS.
all these "diseases" are prevented and treated in a very simple fact:
drinking enough alkaline water, because it has a higher power hydration
that any water that may be consumed, and more of the the body needs minerals such as calcium, potassium and sodium salts also lacks, chlorine and other harmful acids for health.
Packaged fruit juices, even though advertised without condoms ... do have or do not be damaged-can never replace the water and deplete the body of its full capacity for hydration.
activity called renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-one subordinate to the
activation mechanism of histamine in the brain, is essential in the
volume control and activating blood pressure to conserve water when you
need it or when there is lack of sodium in cells.
until the water content and sodium from the body does not reach an
adequate level system works by constricting the capillary layer and the
vascular system.
Narrowing whose level can be measured and known as hypertension.
The problem is to work under proper conditions the kidneys need enough water.
it is true that given its lack can concentrate urine but no less true
that this capacity should not be used to limit the pain of kidney
addition, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is most active when
the kidneys are damaged and insufficient urine production
It is this fact that can cause kidney disease.
Kidney problems, therefore, can also result from chronic dehydration and a lack of sodium. The latter is concentrated in the water for a device without consuming alkalizing much salt.
In short, high blood pressure is also the result of a process of adaptation to the lack of water in the body. When we do not drink enough water to meet all the needs of the few cells become dehydrated.
such cases the blood vessels have no choice but to reduce their ability
to respond to decreased blood volume, causing reduction of blood
pressure increase is known as hypertension.
is a scientific claim recognized by the international community of
Medicine, clinically tested, and made by the largest global water
explained later that when we drink less water needed daily closing some
vascular layers is the only alternative that has the body to keep the
rest of the blood vessels filled.
The question is how long it can continue.
And the answer is "long enough to sicken and die."
the treatment of essential hypertension should also consist simply of
increasing the daily intake of alkaline water, because it contains more
alkaline minerals and is free of chlorine, acids, salts and minerals
that we create more acidity.
Hence, it has been considered as a "scientific absurdity." the
fact that cardiologists give diuretics to hypertensive while your body
fights desperately to retain as much water as possible.
official medicine assumes that the cause of hypertension is sodium
retention in the body when, in fact, keep the sodium in the body is
only a last resort the body to retain some amount of water permitted to
continue living and functioning properly.
Assuming that sodium is the cause of hypertension is a poor understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of water in the body.
When diuretics are given to overcome the sodium dehydrates the body even more.
we get is that the body is more focused on the absorption of salt and
water, although the effect of diuretics and until we give water, never
achieved sufficient quantity to correct the problem.
is the reason why, after a while, diuretics are not sufficient and
requires the patient to take complementary medicines increasingly
aggressive ranging ending his life.
Water is, by itself, the best natural diuretic.
people who have hypertension and produce adequate urine output to
increase their daily intake of alkaline water does not need to take
Batmanghelidj, the explanation of the so-called excess cholesterol or
cholesterol in the body also differs much from the conventional one.
too much cholesterol in the blood is simply a defense mechanism of cell
membranes against osmotic force of the blood in order to conserve
water, or a sign that the concentrated blood can not release enough
water to penetrate the cell membrane and maintain normal cell functions.
is, the excessive production and deposition of cholesterol in the cell
membrane is only part of the natural lens to protect living cells from
dehydration because it is a kind of "clay" natural cell wall makes
preventing passage of water.
He explains that in living cells with cholesterol core is the agent that regulates the water permeability of the cell membrane. And
when you do not have a nucleus the composition of fatty acids used in
the preparation of the cell membrane gives you the power to survive
The production of cholesterol in the cell membrane is thus a part of the survival of the cell.
It is therefore absolutely necessary substance and its excess is all that indicates that there is dehydration.
The cell membrane integrity depends on the amount of water available to it.
a well-hydrated membrane water is the adhesive, in a dehydrated is
cholesterol which is responsible for hitting the "blocks" and prevent
loss of water inside the cell.
Therefore, if we bring the body need acid-free water before eating to prevent the formation of cholesterol in the blood vessels.
Thus, there is excess cholesterol but the result of the lack of water in the body.
course, when an increase in water intake lowers cholesterol levels but
then they increase again make sure that the body is not deficient in
Overweight is also related to water.
Something he justifies by explaining, first, that the sensations of thirst and hunger are when the body's energy level is low.
In such cases, the body mobilizes energy stored in the fat you need to implement mechanisms of hormone secretion.
this process takes longer than that sometimes you might expect, the
front of the brain is responsible for immediate energy from blood sugar
or "hydro".
Note that the brain expends a tremendous amount of energy and therefore receives approximately 20% of all bloodstream.
That is, to meet their energy needs the brain uses two mechanisms:
The sugar in the blood, obtained with the metabolism of food, and water supply and hydroelectric power conversion.
problem is that human beings can not distinguish between the need of
thirst and the need for food and when these signals reach ... tend to eat.
Dry mouth is but the latest warning, the alarm signal when dehydration is a fact almost as dangerous.
And by feeding too much for not understanding that the body does not ask us food and water, one gains weight.
Do not expect the body to have to remind ... buy alkaline water culture and stabilize your weight.
and allergies are also indications that the body has resorted to an
increase in the production of histamine in the absence of water.
is found that in asthmatics there is an increase of histamine content
in lung tissue and that it is this substance that regulates bronchial
muscle contraction.
After all, the lungs are one of the bodies with greater water loss through evaporation that causes breathing.
Histamine then occurs to prevent bronchial constriction.
It is therefore a natural and simple maneuver to preserve water.
Obviously, when the state of dehydration is important to release an exaggerated amount of histamine.
So drink the right amount of alkaline water daily helps alleviate and prevent both asthma and allergies.
be added, in any case, that another important role in asthma is played
by the sodium (which is usually eaten with salt or sodium chloride). It happens that when water is scarce, the body begins to retain it.
Moreover, in some people the lack of sodium in the body can produce the same symptoms as in the case of water shortage.
is therefore appropriate that in severe asthma attacks alkaline drink
plenty of water with a pinch of salt, put it under the tongue touches
the palate to not irritate it, since this is a natural antihistamine.
water remains moist air over the tubes and prevents drying when the air
enters and leaves the lungs, in the early stages of asthma secretes
mucus to protect the tissues of the respiratory tract but sometimes too
much and mucus sticks to the walls by preventing the normal passage of air through them.
Fortunately, the soda is a natural breaking of mucus and alkaline water is naturally rich in sodium.
short, for Batmanghelidj asthma is not a disease but a physiological
adaptation of the body to dehydration and salt restriction is not
always manifest sufficient attention to water consumption and salt.
just a pinch of salt on the tongue after drinking water to make the
brain believe that a lot of salt has entered the body and relax the
It is said that a person has diabetes when the pancreas does not produce insulin or produces too little-
was then called Type I diabetes or insulin-dependent) or when the
body's cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced (Type II).
For Type I diabetes Batmanghelidj is probably the end result of a lack of water.
The reason? As we have seen, when the body produces histamine dehydration to regulate the water level ... but
parallel to activate a group of substances known as prostaglandins,
also involved in a subordinate system rationed water distribution to
the cells of the body.
one type of prostaglandin E, which appears to be also involved in the
preparation of bicarbonate solution that counteracts the acidity of the
food in the digestive process but is also responsible for naturally
inhibit the secretion of insulin by the pancreas.
prostaglandin E has two distinct roles: first, to distribute water to
the pancreas, and other, inhibiting the action of insulin.
And would that cause inhibition of type I diabetes That, therefore, would result from the main cause: chronic dehydration.
As for Type II diabetes, when the pancreatic cells have lost the ability to produce insulin-
due to chronic dehydration and disruption of the metabolism of amino
acids in the body responsible for the destruction of the structure of
DNA in beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin.
sum, according to a daily intake enough Batmanghelidj, strict and
regular water as the hydrating especially acid free alkaline water, and
be sure to get the main driver and supervisor for the welfare of the
body, tryptophan-derived neurotransmitters and to be able best to regulate all bodily functions.
The lack of water in other pathologies
truth is that there is little ailments that have nothing to do with the
chronic dehydration, with the exception of infectious diseases or
injuries, although these would benefit recovery and accelerated
maintaining optimal hydration level.
who suffer from insomnia can solve their problem drinking before bed a
large glass of water and then put a pinch of salt on the tongue -
without touching the palate as it may cause irritation, as stated above, since it induces sleep in just minutes.
The explanation is that with this action alter the percentage of electrical discharge in the brain and this causes sleep.
Some people do not drink water before bed to avoid getting up at midnight, but his blood was thick and nightmares, tension.
When they get are more tired and want to sleep.
It is best to drink alkaline water to have peaceful sleep and morning rise as new.
also asserts that if you are of those people who sometimes suffers
fainting after a shower has to know that is because water reserves of
the body are not enough to reach the brain when blood vessels in the
skin are opened the heat of the water.
As always recommended to drink a glass of alkaline water before showering.
Even sex would be affected by dehydration.
to Batmanghelidj, when the body is well hydrated you are all hormonal
and physiological requirements for a satisfactory sexual life and
libido more than adequate.
adds that in any case, one or two glasses of water before the
relationship can produce a sustained and firmer erection in men and
increased lubrication in women.
Dr. George W, Crile, of Cleverand, one of the world's leading surgeons who openly declares:
"All natural misnamed deaths are only the endpoint of a saturated acids in the body."
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eduardoraul a las 17:35 · 1 Comentario
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Ionized Alkaline Water helps in maintaining the acid-alkaline body pH by neutralizing the toxins in our body. Once the toxins are removed from our body we will feel more refreshed and energetic. Alkaline Water also hydrates the skin to prevent premature aging. Water Ionizers
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