With deep affection and eternal gratitude to Fulgencia León Alegría, we extend our condolences to his family and loved ones. We received a comment on one of our publications is as follows:
"Fulgencia left us on September 26. Was like an angel who brought heaven to give us their message of hope before leaving God. Rest in peace, Fulgencia.
published by Marquis, the 10.05.2012 9:36 ".
As a tribute to this exceptional woman invite readers to surf the Internet to find his lectures and especially "Fulgencia León Alegría with the talk:" supernatural revelations "", "Presentation of paper at the XII Congress of Science and Spirit in Madrid "" by the 5th Dimension "Lion XII Congress Fulgencia Science and Spirit", etc..
The important thing was not their experiences and anecdotes, but his message to mankind, which we referred in the publication on 20 August this year, entitled "Fulgencia León Alegría brings hope."
For her just gracias.CTNC (with all our hearts)