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21 de Septiembre, 2014    General

09/24/2014 Libra New Moon

09/24/2014 Libra New Moon 6hs12' 

This New Moon occurs in Libra in the 12th house, almost 1 or ascending, so the feelings, emotions, personality is not expressed, or work in hidden or proprietary form, or unmanifested, then it is good time to solve problems psychological, face all those things that are usually not visible or is not clearly expressed, is a good time to see the emotional and spiritual interior. What is unique today is that Libra is on the ascendant and midheaven in Cancer, this may indicate social success, popularity, fame, social significance. And the North Lunar Node also the ascendant can indicate success and major achievements of destination, all those things that at other times can not be achieved by giving a major boost to social success and economic success in the profession, etc., plus Jupiter makes it a positive aspect to the Lunar Nodes, the 11th house from the purposes, so the possibility of expanding, perform, start and turn ends, it is the best. Mars square Neptune continues so sexual problems, betrayals, defeatist tendencies, depression, phobias, viral diseases and infections of all kinds, inflammation of the veins, circulation problems, blood pressure problems, liver problems, etc. . 

For different signs: 

Aries is likely to have a loving reunion with someone from the past, or a new love affair that makes you change your direction in life, or you need to rethink your current situation to add someone to your life. 

Taurus are required less than previous months but the pressure continues, in these days should check their health, it is good time to change eating habits or lifestyle, you will probably have to make an unexpected trip. 

Gemini good time in the spiritual, and area studies, perhaps short or long trips, new projects will not simultaneous fruits are after. 

Cancer is an excellent time professionally, especially those who require social support, a lot of contact with people, fame, etc. 

Leo is a great time to develop new goals or new goals, have the ability to expand existing targets, possibility of new love partner, or proposals of marriage or cohabitation. Beware the liver and heart. 

Virgo is a passive, expectant of what happens around him, is a good time to stop and take a few days off. Maybe affair hidden or reserved. 

Libra good time to rediscover their inner strength, and express their creativity flow and connection with others, physical recovery from illness, luck accompanies and social success in the profession. New and renewed goals, achievements in the area of ​​money. 

Scorpio is likely to be structuring things for the future, the fruits are not seen today, the expansion has not yet come, but possibility of romantic relationships in hidden or proprietary form, achieving some money. 

Sagittarius good time with siblings and family, short and long trips, possibility of deep sexual contact, eye treachery or fraud, or viral infections and diseases. 

Capricorn brings some relief to all the tension that had been receiving the grand square, the demands can come from the couple or the family in general, there is an old couple conflict or face fix. 

Aquarius is a good time for creativity and independent power situations that oppress, good financial times and the possibility of children, contact with children, acting expression, etc. 

Pisces on the one hand good work, very time required, there are legal situations that disturb or pressure, problems with blood pressure, veins, liver inflammation, tensions with the children, try not to overdo it with alcohol or drugs. 

RICARDO M. Zani astrologer 


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