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28 de Agosto, 2015    General

Virgo Full Moon 29/08/2015

The Sun is in the 9th house and the Moon in the 3rd House, so mentally, studies, travel, spiritual world, legal, sports, learning, teaching, project or translate the thoughts, write, growing in knowledge, etc. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter, so the knowledge is much higher, expansively of mind or projects to follow, here in Virgo dedicated to detail and be thorough, Jupiter gives you a higher or expansive vision, power embark on larger scale projects. The Moon is conjunct Neptune, so intuition becomes very deep, and in contradiction with rational qualities of Virgo, you will then add a rationality with keen perception; there may be very vivid dreams or deep, also unusual sensations or OBEs, astral travel, visions, perceptions, clairvoyance, etc. Saturn is in inharmonious with the Sun, Moon, Neptune, and Jupiter, and can produce fear, sense of loss, insecurity, lack of resources, frustration, depression, anxiety without justification, etc. Moreover Pluto makes them a positive aspect to these planets, giving the possibility to have a little more power to act or reform situations, or want to have power over everything around us, you may indicate a change of attitude or order situations for a change of attitude. Venus and Mars are in conjunction, this can produce a strong and loving sexual magnetism, producing lots of sex, intense and passionate. Thank can produce new relations, which are based on a love - attached sex. The positive aspect of this conjunction of Uranus to Venus - Mars, gives creativity, ingenuity, strength of action, humanitarian feelings, prophetic views, mechanical and technical, scientific creativity, etc.For different signs:Aries last act is leaving through the South Lunar Node, and be a little less light and less required, but tensions are still good possibilities of creativity, ingenuity, and inner faith, and also renewed love and sex, lots passion.Taurus good time for creativity, many social relationships, greater balance in finance, strong bond with the children.Gemminis good time in labor and recovery from illness, are very demanded by the situation, perhaps a trip for family reasons which were not scheduled.Cancer good family time, many social contacts, love, family, luck socially and creativity through art. Great intuition, prophetic dreams, astral travel, maybe travel plans, and few resources.Leo a unique moment in the sentimental and sexual, very strong motivation, a situation leads to compare relationships, perhaps  humanitarian feelings.Feelings of love. You may want to define a love situation coexisting.On one side are Virgo with an expansive view of life, with the possibility of a long journey, achievements in studies, much insight or visions, at times a lot optimism and sometimes melancholy, but good goals brake projection.Libra good time in the profession or trade, target significant achievements, achievements in studies, legal solutions. Eye with whom they associate, may be betrayals or negative people who take on bad roads.Scorpio meetings with friends, clear goals, a lot of intuition, ability to travel, love disputes.Sagittarius feel very alone, or in any way want to take away for a few days of each other, perhaps days off.Capricorn are restarting activities, they feel very positive and confident, great intuition, ability to travel, and moving house.Aquarius good time to money accomplishments, they feel very pressured by a partner or otherwise are very demanded by the loving situations. Many anxiety.Pisces lot of intuition, perception, emotions are full of feelings, keen to change many things, large projects and limited resources, maybe a positive partner to help, or plans of partner or partners. At times optimism or pessimism at times insecurity. RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer. By birth charts to
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