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07 de Septiembre, 2012    General

South Node conjunct Lilith 08/09/2012

Like trying to express what this Lunar South Node conjunction with Black Moon Lilith or precisely the South Node is the past, or what brings the past, either as capacity or unresolved problems or situations that were marked In previous lives, and Lilith is the dark side of the moon or the side that is not seen, that from ancient times was considered a woman associated with the dark, black magic, death, deceit, betrayal, all Dark Arts is attributable to Lilith. Also linked to the unresolved dark past self, and the things that it's up to resolve personality that no one sees or does not show, that dark side of every person. Then denote both to see which open endless things associated with the inner darkness of each person, and also opens or releases all these manifestations of magicians and black magicians, the negative potential ancestral opens in the area of ​​the chart of each person, and those who are devoted to the negative occult power. In Taurus makes or causes the concrete realization of these manifestations is greater or more effective, especially in property. It can mean a very large negative gate, doing both in politics and the international economy complotes Gesten very sinister, or with complete coldness. The Sun and Mercury (house 5) are square to the Moon and Jupiter (house 2) where ambition is extreme, where power is confronted with the masses. Saturn and Venus are also in quadrature, like Uranus and Pluto, meaning that the falsehood and hypocrisy is in full swing. All in all a good look or relationships that connects people in those days, days before and days after, not sign anything that has to do with a long-term project, and try not to get involved with people of low morals, or have no scruples, by the possibility of being dragged by this or situations. Also try not to start relationships these days because they can have a deadly stain or a dark end. And of course not to marry. Lilith is associated with sex, so many parties can release sexual libertine, or the tendency to sexual activity without limits, but always with a complication or implication. As can be the case of public figures or politicians or economists are escrachados for such situations. Those born or born with these combinations astrologers tend to witchcraft or to be associated with these practices, as they bring in a former life.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer

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