This combination causes the Sun to give birth to Neptune, the Neptunian qualities become clearer and deeper, the illusory or fanciful trend Neptune dissipates a bit, to give some clarity, then it tends to be very intuitive, to develop a little more perseption, creative imagination, the idyll becomes clearer, you tend to have much attraction to the astral, the ethereal, spiritual, clairvoyance, mediumship, grown in acting ability, etc. It is a good time for actors, artists, cartoonists, painters, musicians, singers, psychologists, therapists of all kinds, astral healers, energy healers, etc.They will tend to have or suffer great disappointments, anxieties, depressions, to live very raw human reality situations. The biggest problems may be in the psychological or psychic, because you can uncover all these hidden things that generally do not want to see or confront. This combination can generate large mobilizations of water, strongs winds, floods, river floods, tidal waves, heavy rains, and the many problems all types of boats, boats of all kinds, and coastal areas.RICARDO M. Zani astrologer By birth charts to