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20 de Mayo, 2013    General

Sol - 05.21.2013 conjunct Alcyone

This year I return to talk about the passing of Sun Alcyone, the importance to the earth, as our sun revolves around Alcyone, taking about 28,000 or 26,000 years to turn around. This combination enables the attitude of serving others or to serve the community, work together or coordinated, the Moon is in Libra and in the 9th house, so the spiritual activity in the world will be a large scale, with large changes and movements, the positive aspect of the Sun, Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury, make spiritual activity will be taking a greater projection, depth, and clarity, or otherwise people will tend to look or ask much more in all spiritual issues. Or the situation in the world will want to know us well beyond where we have been told or taught. It may also be the case that brought to light things that have been closed for most people, or somehow release a greater understanding and massive. Love and knowledge are strongly connected and expanded. Squaring Pluto and Uranus opposition, the moon may indicate disagreements or clashes great spiritual or religious matters, may indicate spiritual leaders fall or are generating large changes in religions, perhaps forced by the pressure of the masses of followers by new structures. The power of religious or religion tends to fall or decline in this time, but not the need for God, his wisdom, or your connection. It poses a real religion to guide people to the true connection with God and his true identity. Perhaps the emergence of new spiritual leaders. The square of Neptune to the Sun Mercury and Venus may indicate much confusion or disappointment through situations or conflicts that are used by the typical false teachers or prophets. But many will be unmasked. The Lunar North Node in the 11th house indicates that the spiritual will be taking more power over the material, and is placed as the main goal.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By birth charts to

                                         WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, NOT LIVE

                                       WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, NOT EXIST

                                                   WITHOUT LOVE, I AM

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