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10 de Noviembre, 2014    General

Pluto - Mars conjunct 23hs6' 10/11/2014

Pluto - Mars conjunct 23hs6' 10/11/2014

This conjunction of Pluto to Mars where both are explosive and energetic nature of power, and are the rulers of Scorpio gives the astrological coincidence that occurs in this month, but in the sign of Capricorn. The qualities of both is to generate power, command or leadership capacity, strength to act, the strength to do all sorts of reforms and make profound changes, both internal psychological, both the actions of the world. It is a special place for politicians, economists, financiers, psychologists, doctors, all areas of research, science, and all those who have a point or command position or power, like armies, majors, colonels, etc. The negative aspects of Uranus, the Moon and Lunar Nodes may indicate great social revolutions and movements of people, large riots with armed conflicts, may mean that the change of a political or religious leader, either by death or crisis, or complicated situations can mean military conflicts between countries by deep disagreements. The Sun - Mercury - Venus - are inharmonious aspects with Jupiter or increasing accentuating political or religious discord. From a worldly point of view the combination can mean a lot of excess sexuality, with the possibility of generating neurosis, and imbalances of all kinds need to break old ties of relations, and generate new relationships, may mean the end of a process or attitude toward sexuality, or to the opposite sex, and the beginning of another process or action time, however the attitude will be wanting to have power over the couple and sexuality will be the focal point, and this will affect both men and women. Pregnancies that are generated here may be highly sensitive or devious, or in the middle of a sexual or emotional crisis, it may tend to voluntary abortions or involuntary losses. Physical problems can be pointed to sexuality, lungs, all types of degenerative problems, problems in the spine, bones, skin, pancreas, headaches, high fevers, etc. This combination can mean all kinds of attacks, big explosions, bombs, large-scale volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, high winds, large mobilizations of water, floods, etc.

RICARDO M. Zani astrologer


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