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20 de Febrero, 2012    General

Pisces New Moon 21/02/2012

This new moon occurs on the house 4, almost 5, in conjunction with
Neptune and Chiron in good aspect to Jupiter and Saturn. As
days before all the conditions associated with Neptune and its large
entry into Pisces, the new moon that always gives possibility
changes, or to start new things, here reaches its greatest exponent
in every way, both in expressing oneself, to
introspective work to discover more about yourself, try
solve psychological problems, relationship with others,
investigated and to investigate all the potential you have and
has to finish activating it or express it somehow. Is a
time to go deep in every way both in research
Psychological, philosophical, spiritual, scientific, archaeological, and
opportunity to develop all psychic abilities, such as
clairvoyance, perception, intuition, receiving information
through the astral or dream, as dreams predictive or
dreams that reveal aspects of oneself. The positive aspects of
Saturn and Jupiter further reinforce all the capabilities and potential
that can be developed. As I said days ago, children who
born in these days will have an extraordinary potential in all
sense, which will be manifested very young children. Surely
the spiritual leaders of the next generations. This new moon
benefits the painters, sculptors, psychologists, doctors, actors,
singers, researchers, religions, and film.
The opposition of Saturn with Jupiter continues, with the possibility of
to maintain the economic and political crisis in the world, it's like
Governments are not the solution to follow, and the possibility
I fall or die a major political leader, and perhaps a
religious leader. The Pluto square Uranus continues,
causing irritability massively generalize, and
maverick, so the possibility of plots or attacks
all, the possibility of explosions of all kinds, eruptions
volcanic earthquakes, hurricanes, (all that is happening in the
present) The two planets work on a massive scale and is therefore
that the world is so convulcionado. The opposition of Mars
Mercury can cause excess stress, moodiness, headaches,
nervous tension headaches, stress, deceit, and desepciones.
For the different signs:
Aries is likely to want to change jobs (if any) for
tired of the routine or the people around him, or fighting, is
good you will reconsider and continue with your activity, you may
have a sexual magnetism unusual advantage because it can
find a new love. Many social and cultural activities, parties.
Taurus though he feels he can and has everything to achieve, is
limited situations, but it soon will the limitations,
and may expand its goals, maybe a relationship that does not
or suits or convenience.
Gemini need a lot of health care, perhaps a bit of stress.
They probably have the possibility of a long journey. Y
continue in school.
Cancer may want to take a trip to escape something, oo leave
a situation that overwhelms you press or, it is likely that the trip
the expected results. Spiritual activities also do not
able to help or clarify your life.
Leo is likely to have a great time in profecional, it
Economically, it is likely to rise or ascend that category, or
has a higher driving position.
Virgo keeps its clear goals, and his mind too, is likely to
is very fussy or very nervous, with little patience, but is
likely to have good sex.
Libra is as distant from each other, as if to resume
strength to continue, the wheel of fortune is in Libra, so
touches of luck will accompany him.
Scorpio is with all the strength and optimism, with much activity,
and the winds blow in their favor. It's a very good time for
achievements of money and materials.
Sagittarius also has a compass pointing to its north, with the
ability to achieve and resolve all those things you have
slopes. It is good time to solve money problems. Perhaps
some unexpected achievements of money.
Capricorn despite the stress and loneliness that can be
feeling, all possibilities to structure their lives are
Please likely to find a potential new inside
or her inner faith.
Aquarius family situations it can be overwhelming, but it is
probably have to do to gather forces, perhaps a change
house or home, or family changes. Perhaps a change in the
forced labor.
Pisces is with all batteries on, is an excellent time
for Pisces, this new moon will give all the intuition,
spirituality, perception, acquisition and / or inspiration they need.
It is an extraordinary moment for the actors and artists, singers,
psychologists, psychiatrists, artists, artisans, and all those in
the spiritual realm.
RICARDO ZANI astrologer
For charts to

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