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07 de Marzo, 2016    General

Pisces New Moon 08/03/2016

This New Moon of Pisces is quite unique and very complicated. Pisces always the new moon intensifies emotional states, personal psychological situation intensifies sensitivity, loneliness, and the need to want to connect with others to try to compensate for this loneliness or unresolved things in psychological or subconscious or unconscious, intensifies intuition, perception, clairvoyance, capturing the emotional states or attitudes of others, because it makes us more aware of our inner psychological. This new moon also is in conjunction with the Lunar Node South and kiron, this may mean that connects us with the past, with all those things that we have failed in previous lives, and also opens new situations and opens dormant skills or things We did not think were possible we could do; for some people it may mean a before and after the end of a process of life and the beginning of another, but always under a complicated situation. Since Saturn is inharmonious with this conjunction, and includes square Neptune, making it even more complicated and difficult to carry or resolve. This quadrature makes it very difficult to find the direction to follow, and gives the feeling of being slowed down or anchored to things or situations, it is like trying to push a braking car, it is a Karmic point end, in every sense, it can encompass all areas of life. For this world in international politics, it can mean a profound change, some situations that mark a before and after a stock market crash or the collapse of banks or very important institutions, the breakdown of some countries, the disappearance of some politicians or important leaders. It may also be that there are new virus outbreaks in different parts of the world, some difficult disease to cure, problems with water, either by floods, tidal waves, torrential rains, etc.For different signs:Aries may want to make changes in labor, have to leave work for a few days, perhaps some freelance work.Taurus good time in the area of ​​the couple and social, a lot of contact with people, insecurity in the area of ​​money. New projects.Gemminis many internal changes, very bound to generate changes. Good time to review internal errors.Cancer possibility of trips, reassignments, ability to act or work in teaching.Leo good time in the profession or work, success in many areas, very demanded by the family.Virgo on the one hand are structuring or putting together a new destination, but otherwise things are disarming, instability disorients a bit.Libra feel a little alone or with little support from the environment in which they are. Decide not anything important for now, wait for it to pass this time.Scorpio are very optimistic, very strong to act, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.Sagittarius tensions on the one hand, economic solve some problems, but with good sexual magnetism.Capricorn situations pressed, but have good projects in hand, and solutions to legal and psychological problems.Aquarius are very attached to the family, or want to build the same, for some moving house, home renovations, possibility of love in the family, and even living together.Pisces is very profound change in the area of ​​family, children, studies, psychological, emotional, social, etc.By birth charts to

RICARDO M. ZANI Astrologer

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