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22 de Noviembre, 2015    General

Ophiuchus sun in transit on 11/22/2015

Like all the previous years added astrological situations this day as Nostradamus had annual predictions from this space where no stars neither signs nor Sagittarius or Scorpio, the former They said that the energy of the center of the galaxy reaches directly. While the energy of this time of year is very high, which is very good for to take advantage of, astrological situations this day, days before and days later, are very complicated, and I'll try to explain. The Sun is in conjunction with Saturn and Mercury in the 10th house can mean a moment of utmost concentration, the mind is is the best, much rationality and seriousness, rigidity, coldness, trying to make everything concrete is done, and capture it consistently or perpetuate over time. This conjunction remains inharmonious with Neptune from the house 2, making this mental process is difficult, insecure, unstable, with many doubts dissipated, uncertain, etc; can produce anxiety, depression, all kinds of psychological problems, feeling of defeat, abandonment, separation, etc. It can cause problems in international politics, drop politicians or important Rulers, the breakdown of the stock market or the economy of some countries, it may be that the economy is in trouble because of the situation caused by the weather, or all kinds problems by earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricane winds problems scientific experiments failed, etc. Mars, Venus, and Lilith are in conjunction in opposition to Uranus and the Moon, and these in inharmonious Pluto, this astrological situation is really negative, can produce all kinds of conflicts, social, military, attacks of all kinds, explosions , social crisis, all situations of neglect and violence. Should take care of temperamental outbursts or explosives, because they can reach total ends, and even take extremists, separatists or determinations, whether to decide things, it is better to wait for more positive moments, to avoid mistakes; violence may be extreme, whatever the reason. There may be falling aircraft,  sinking ships , massive shocks. Chaos. There may also be outbreaks of viral strains, blood circulation problems, bone problems, poisoning, etc. The biggest problem is that if Nostradamus as saying that the influence of these days would be for the whole year, then 2016 appears quite controversial, especially in the months of December, January, March and April, September and October. July would be a reflected influence.By birth charts to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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