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17 de Diciembre, 2017    General

New Moon of Sagittarius 12-18-2017

This New Moon Sagittarius has a strong concentration of planetary and extra planetary energies, the Sun, the Moon, Saturn on one side, and Venus on the other, and a little beyond Mercury, but the most important thing is that we are transiting through the Galactic Center, so the energy that is received here is very big and important in every way, it is the best time to do meditations, or elevations of conscience, programs that need real depth, or do things that are relevant, especially in the spiritual area, surely must be marking a profound change in all humanity. The New Moons mark changes a new objective, or a new direction to follow, or new emotions, and in this case with the conjunction of Venus marks real changes in love, feelings, social relationships, a very profound change of paradigms in social, cultural, legal, economic relations, music, art, fashion, politics, making large numbers of people mobilize, to solve things that affect society; and contact with Saturn may indicate that projects can be made or structured to last a long time, or be maintained for a long time, whether political situations, or associated with construction, architecture, science, mathematics, economics National and international. Saturn has a good aspect of Mars and Uranus, making the constructive force with great strength and determination, without fear, with seriousness and strength, in addition to the scientific and technological trends of Uranus, and the need for freedom and deep independence, Uranus adds the inventive and dynamic capacity that other planets do not have. In addition these planets are in good aspect to the Lunar Nodes, making it possible to program things of destiny with great firmness, perseverance and seriousness, they can begin relations of couple that last for many years, or until old age, or with serious elderly people and responsible. The squaring of Jupiter to the Lunar Nodes may indicate that one has great ambitions, but little resources to achieve them.

For the different signs:

Aries these days can greatly benefit them, especially in the labor and economic area, also solutions of legal things, perhaps very deep and lasting loves.

Taurus may be very demanding in every way, especially in the sexual area and the couple, there may be disappointments in the direction to continue with your partner, a lot of social pressure.

Geminis many deep changes, perhaps those that greater pressure and demands, changes forced by the situation. New and very important goals are being put together.

Cancer possibility of travel, sports, studies, eye with the situations of couple, betrayals or deceptions, ruptures, estrangements, conflictive situations in the workplace. Some achievements in the profession, some stability.

Leo on the one hand are with clear goals, are structuring with great strength and will, perseverance, seriousness, but it is likely that many gains and many expenses. Desaveniences in the area of the couple, rivalry or can not stand being pressured.

Virgo on the one hand a lot of instability, a lot of pressure, mistakes, changes for situations that can not handle, but a lot of passion and with the possibility of sexual relations, or very intense and demanding partner.

Libra are somewhat passive, not acting, however the astrological situation can greatly help them, and give them new horizons and solutions to complex situations, the wheel of fortune accompanies them.

Scorpio are as overloaded with energy and vital and internal force, a lot of sexual magnetism, action with decisive force, without fears, expansion, they may have many great projects, but not fully active, or realizable.

Sagittarius achievements in the area of money, sentimental achievements, profound changes for good, long-term goals, stable and constant, based on serious structures and with responsibility, perhaps a relationship based on love, which will be very durable.

Capricorn a lot of rebellion, contradictions, unstable situations especially in the area of the family, despite much intensity in the area of the couple, and large-scale plans. They begin to rediscover an inner power.

Aquarius the situation can strengthen the area of the couple, family, children, creativity, rediscover old potentials.

Pisces creativity is deep, intuition too, much sexual and passionate force, deep or prophetic visions, problem with some child, achievements of another, perhaps pregnancies for women in these days.

By birth letters to

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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