This Saturn- Mercury makes a union of conscious and rational mind , with righteousness , security , reliability , consistency , as calculated or structured . It is good time for those who are in mathematics , economics , research , psychology , science in general, etc. . As Scorpio works secretly and with much reservation, many things will be activated or expressed secretly , or trying to hide it to others, especially in the area of international politics , international economy and domestic economies in each country. Politicians these days will feel renewed strength , like economists , or big business and companies. The stability and rationality that provides this combination is very deep , and gives the possibility to act seriously and maturity , especially for those working in the area of justice , so many things have been very unjust shall be adjusted and karma will act with great force on those who have been holding or using others for their own benefit, and also the nature and / or the earth will continue doing the same man adjusting his act towards her. It is good time for those in the construction , architects , engineers . The intellect can reach powerful levels , helping all those who are studying in all forms of racing , especially in science . It is likely that new inventions or scientific discoveries that can revolutionize the world , especially in the area of medicine are known. They also will present new allazgos on geology , paleontology , and all kinds of discoveries about our past on earth. The psychology find new directions or new and renewed forms of human consciousness go , the problem is that as sienpre few would be reaching and managing this knowledge . However this situation does not happen inavertida astrological somehow mark situations and events , until the next conjunction of Saturn - Mercury.
RICARDO M. ZANI Astrologer
Queries zanimiguel9@gmail.com
The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One
Transforming Emotions in Feelings Without knowledge , not live
EGO transmute in Self-Esteem Without understanding, I do not exist
Make life a conscious reality Without love , I'm not