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12 de Diciembre, 2012    General

Sagittarius New Moon 12/13/2012

This New Moon occurs on the 12th house in Sagittarius. As always, this produces changes like every New Moon, and Sagittarius and the 12 is very large the need to go deep, spiritual, psychological, and physical, and everything to do with the paranormal. Here the change is so great that most humans will mark them greatly, in all areas of life. It is likely that many things remain to be projected as targets, especially those who are large scale or you want to get a positive result, or a result close in time. Here things dissolve or need to be dissolved, resolved and understood, which is the quality of the house 12. In Sagittarius becomes deeper spiritual level, it becomes more positive, and the projection is made to the inner self. The political and economic situation of the world is complicated in all areas, yet there is a well structured course. It is also likely to be some type of epidemic viral, or problems of any kind poisoning.

For different signs:

Aries despite continuing tensions despite everything, especially in the legal or family are there situations both in positive emotional, social, labor, economic, and health.

Taurus is subject to family situations, both with their children and their parents and siblings. This felt a lot of pressure, especially in the workplace and society.

Gemini Jupiter may help turn the situation and to improve the conditions, but the tension or stress can work against you.

I raise cancer is the feeling, emotion and love in particular, pose greater the social partners and, in what direction it will take, is likely to be required to leave the no contact with others.

Leo takes the burden of change in consciousness, a change by own strength or willpower.

Virgo is as steady, watching things happen, but nevertheless no stranger to change.

Libra is likely to travel, study, sports, and especially many activities in the area of ​​spiritual

Scorpio nevertheless feels like very strong and can do anything, despite the vicissitudes, has much temperance. Maybe a love partner destination or target.

Sagittarius this as an end of things and the beginning of things, but maintained his usual strength, joy and optimism that characterize it.

Capricorn maintains its momentum for action and battle it all, CIEMPRE can and have time to follow. Possibility of intense sexual activity, a lot of passion.

Action Aquarium his technique and clarity of seeing things as help in the crisis, possible achievements of money, or good proposals.

Pisces has a feeling that you can take much more and more, but his strength may be weakened by attrition in relationships, or disappointment.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

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