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12 de Mayo, 2014    General

Taurus Full Moon 05/14/2014

 Taurus Full Moon 14/05/2014

The Sun is in the 7th house and the Moon in the 1st house or ascendant. So the social and the staff is the most important action these days. Socially would fall theme the couple or love, or contact or union with others , it can be a maximum of loving connection , or a change in the attitude of the couple , or renewal in couples or in social may be an end or a beginning of social or romantic relationships . The fact that the Moon remains in the ascendant, may indicate a greater attitude of wanting to interact with others , get out of the lethargy of not connecting with others , much popularity or social acceptance. The Moon is conjunct Saturn , so the emotions will be serious , reserved , steady, constant , deep , perhaps much contact or union with the family. The positive aspect of the Sun Moon Jupiter and Saturn , make it much more positive this Full Moon, making fruitful social relationships, societies , couples and relationships. It is likely that many babies gestate in these days. The grand square Pluto , Mars, Jupiter , Uranus, Venus and make the political and economic crisis remain in place , there may be many deaths from multiple diseases , climate will continue its complicated rhythm as before, with all variants , showers and heavy snowfall , high winds , earthquakes , volcanic eruptions, large mobilizations of water, etc. .

For different signs :

Aries has a duality, between rebellion and to see peace , humanism and chill, need for strong relationships, and on the other side or just want to be alone, is likely to define the relationships for the quality of feelings.

Taurus good time to leave the social and lethargy and routine success. Possibilities deep love , the wheel of fortune accompanies .

Gemini good time on the mental and psychological field , good time for public relations and solve legal problems. eye with the deceptions and betrayals. Do not abuse drugs and alcohol.

Cancer associations may not have the desired outcome , but everything is still on track , expansion of ideas. Especially health care .

Leo good time to travel , to do sports and mobilize energies , also for yoga or any activity that mobilizes the energies of the chakras . Energy inactivity slows its objectives.

Virgo good time on the job or profession , social success , personal success , solving legal and economic problems.

Libra good time to order his life and having great success , achieve their goals, and the strength of Mars helps to have the action force , and sexual magnetism.

Scorpio for a place are as alien or distant , or the feeling of not wanting to get in touch , and secondly the need to mature and make serious social and family relationships. Achievements for politicians.

Sagittarius good time in the area of money and material achievements , commercial luck, luck in societies.

Capricorn is likely to have strokes of luck or moment of clarity on how to handle their finances , greater control of situations , watch your temper or attitudes.

Aquarius good situations for studying , good mental clarity and creative . Good situations with siblings and relatives.

Pisces is very deep intuition , perception also has the need to be in your house or home , or a way to escape the office, or away from desgate contact with others.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

For inquiries

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings Without knowledge , not live

 EGO transmute in Self-Esteem Without understanding, I do not exist

 Make life a conscious reality Without love , I'm

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