Cancer Full Moon 07/12/2014 11hs25

In this moon as in previous days, continues the grand square, and the moon is added to this complicated process, and also the lunar nodes. The Sun and Jupiter are in the 10th house or Midheaven, although the greatest benefit with greater luminaire may indicate significant achievements in every sense, social and economic growth, professional success, political success, achievements as entrepreneur, achievements animal husbandry, achievement for all those in the area of things associated with the sea, water, and household things, social expansion, large mobilizations of people, social success or fame. Both the Sun and Jupiter are square to the lunar nodes and Mars, so that situations become critical or hard to find or get, it becomes difficult to find the right direction to take, or cause to be unable to put the full force on the right, or if done direction is through a hard struggle or through intricate moments or situations; social situation is the same is conflicting or difficult to manage. Mars is in the ascendant in conjunction with North Lunar Node, so the goals are set as front or foreground, and puts all the strength and energy to put into action what you want, the strength is about reason, this is not reasonable, it acts or reacts, so be very careful because the backlash can be amplified and reach great extremes of violence. However Mars and the lunar North Node has a positive aspect of Venus and Mercury, so it's probably good romantic and sexual contacts you have, and even find a couple of important destination, or change in a situation of couples who came evil and a final tube, and is changed by a new relationship that is more akin in every way. Pluto is in conjunction with the moon in the 4th house, forming part of the grand square, this astrological situation forces generate changes from the past whether familial, social, political, psychological structure of the past. Uranus is conjunct the South Node Moon in the 7th house, this makes social and romantic relationships are somewhat difficult or erratic or in any way difficult to follow because it tends to personal liberty, or excessive liberality or individuality, to change the situation in the family or want to change the situation in the social, little patience, and chill as you have to be with those with whom one lives. The Grand Square in a few days it starts to disarm, and the tension will slacken lived so far, and many things will begin to work much better, perhaps these days the final throes of this astrological process that will mark a milestone of having profundícimo change, and this year there are days that are really difficult and some very dark, but they are interspersed very positive day, but not so far as this grand square that was both current time. are likely to continue as I have been preaching all year, strong winds, large mobilizations of water, floods, many earthquakes or tremors, volcanic eruptions, many accidents, cars, planes, trains, many reactions of crowds that we have seen throughout the year, the fall of many business enterprises and the emergence of new ones, drop some important policy change or other, they can make better management, pressured by the people. The Grand Square always forces of change, reform or action.
For different signs:
Aries there is a need to make changes in the sentimental attitude, perhaps tendency to individualism, tend to be with someone who was his partner in the past, and this creates doubts in the current relationship.
Taurus feels he must reform its materialistic attitude, although it tends to want to have power over everything and everyone, really required, but a good chance of solving their things.
Gemini good social, spiritual and loving time travel possible, and many affiliated or connected with the social and human relations.
Cancer is a good chance of success and changes in the profession achievements, accomplishments as an entrepreneur, long journey, but at great cost or trouble.
Leo objectives are strong but there are strong obstructions or difficulties with negative or very envious people that stands.
Virgo or feel alone or want to get away from others, to regain strength or think of solutions. It is good time to reflect and observe himself.
Libra good time to act and put their goals tackles, good sexual and sentimental magnetism, perhaps a new love. Eye with violent or irrational reactions.
Scorpio good time economically, stability and consistency. Good possibilities of labor rise, jobs or driving charges, intuition and support the family. Eye can suffer from serious betrayals or very negative situations.
Sagittarius as neutral in this whole scheme, good chances for short trips and achievements in studies, papers solutions or legal situations.
Capricorn feels put an end to the memories and family situations, was a turning point as it feels to have more power over the family situation. And also about their emotions and personality.
Aquarius is very bright and expression of emotions, creativity and intelligence are very marked, its current capacity is fully expressed.
Pisces intuition is expressed in terms of work, although the excess contact with others stress whatsoever, but it is a good working time, a touch of luck. Doubts relationships.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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