Leo This Full Moon is between the rising and the house 7. E l versus other staff or social, personality and connection with others, individualism versus the couple or the union through love. The Sun and Moon are in good aspect to the Lunar Nodes, so give strength to the objectives or goals, to revive those purposes that have been held back by the astrological situation temporarily within everything complicated everything is, is how to breathe a little and see to keep doing, improvements come through money resources, studies, travel, sports, legal situations. Venus and Jupiter are in conjunction with the 2nd house, so for some it may mean money and material achievements of large-scale, resources and even fame; but this combination receives an inharmonious aspect of Saturn which may be holding back the resources or lethargic situations, for some may be scams or financial fraud, and losses fraudulent situations, it may also mean the abandonment of some post leadership or direction, it can also mean stock market crash, the breakdown of some economically-financial institution or bank, the economic breakdown of a country, the end of a leading economist. On the other hand harmonic Saturn is in the Lunar Nodes, and the structure that supports the objectives or goals, giving stability, reliability, projection over time, perseverance, and computing power, righteousness, can also mean resisting despite all the pressures and obstacles. Uranus still inharmonious with Pluto and Mars, generating all sorts of psychological conflicts, tensions, violent reactions, explosive situations, all kinds of attacks, high winds, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, fights, crashes, falling aircraft, ships fall down , rape , etc.For different signs:Aries in the eye of the storm, are very impulsive, temperamental, with little patience, wanting to change it all around or throw mud out the window and do something else. They may have some touches of genius, and important achievements in issues money or couple. Travel.Taurus stability despite all achievements in the profession or in trade. Many tensions but can be saved somehow.Gemminis clear goals, clear objectives, meetings with friends, very good projects of life, significant achievements of money.Cancer various tensions, problems may travel or travel, labor or sexual tensions. The intensity can be sexual, perhaps hidden relationships, or do not provide all the desired satisfaction. Perhaps other relationship breakdown.Leo may be coming to an end of a love affair, or somehow need to solve or define your situation, you maybe follow their path or define a marriage. Good time for achievement of large-scale money, problems can be in the family and bosses.Virgo good time in the area of the gains of money and material resources, perhaps expand commercial possibilities.Libra full moon this can give them excellent opportunities to regulate their lives, achieve goals postponed, stability overall achievements of money, travel, legal solutions, studies, write books, etc. Perhaps a couple of unexpected destination, prone to establishing permanent links and others to marry after a long time of coexistence.Scorpio most important thing in this time is the home and family, the need to stabilize the situation, on the one hand some obstacles or conflicts with superiors or bosses, or does not have sufficient resources to balance home. But new perspectives that can be very durable, and even sentimental present.Sagittarius the issue of children and finance are the most important issues, perhaps a son or close personal trip, and if you are who you travel, chances of success in these, renewed contact partner, perhaps for business travel.Capricorn really into the work area, want to reform everything and are very rebellious to the situation, which is more should health care.Good aquarium when the social and cultural, are perhaps a little pressed on their freedom of action or individualism, as the couple or love can lead them to want to marry or to define a position of partner. The wheel of fortune accompanies them.Pisces are in a moment of astrological relax, lots of intuition and possibilities of greater self-control situations, things good time to define and solve internal problems.RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer For native to zanimiguel9@gmail.com cards