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science of the spirit-zer
Blog de Círculo Zer for you an aid to your spirit
02 de Mayo, 2013    General

Crisis? Spiritual or cancellation by problems? (V final)

In summary of what is written in the four previous chapters, spiritual crises are induced externally, we take and let them hurt us to the point of belittling our life, coming to the abandonment of oneself, poseyéndonos: pessimism, negativity, making apparent end vicious cycles, causing extreme cases like madness, suicide, violence, the total abandonment closing the mind into a dead end.

In everything in life you can get out, and for everything there is a solution, for this we must mobilize the will, open your mind positively, seek support from others who have passed the same experience overcoming them, believe at all times that we are developing energy , errors enrich us, forgive ourselves and others is a big step in positive thinking, daily thank everything that we achieve and ask for support in what we fail, willing to continue and overcome obstacles, and always think that we are not alone, that positive energies are guiding us from the ether, the spiritual path that unites us to the universe creator, giving us the answers through intuition to solve all the problems that affect us.

Self-esteem and ego, raise our vibration and radiate our environment and attracts positive events that help us to a better life, do not forget that we are spirit, the body is a momentary container. No matter the outward appearance is fleeting, it changes by the minute, and it is not true. Only your thoughts and actions say about you. If your attitude is negative, you will attract negative things you think, you will get hurt, etc. attract diseases. but if the attitude is positive conveniently will solve the problems that arise, and allow you to sync with evolution

waves radiating the universe around you that will be perceived by those around you.

Ambition, power, desire to possess things or people, vices (smoking, drugs, gambling, alcohol, sex, etc.), Revenge, destruction, slavery, hatred, malice, violence, manipulation , harassment, pedophilia, etc.. only brings misfortune for you, I sunk into a deep depression, insecurity, isolation, attracts negative, sick your body, destroy your spirit, involucionas, reallidad away from you and the universe.

Everything transforms: emotions into feelings, the ego self esteem and life in a conscious reality, we bring together to the universe, strengthening our spirit, bringing positive thinking, improving our lives, projecting to others.

Thank you for reading these articles, it sure will be useful, do not stop to investigate, the truth is written, you just have to find it, with an open mind and a willingness to change biased positively, without impositions, with total freedom.

                                            WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, NOT LIVE

                                          WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, NOT EXIST

                                                WITHOUT LOVE, I AM   



Nota:  Capítulo (I) publicado el  19-10-2012

         Capítulo (II) publicado el 29-10-2012

         Capítulo (III) publicado el  6-11-2012

         Capítulo (IV) publicado el  8-12-2012

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