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18 de Julio, 2012    General

Cancer New Moon 07/19/2012

This new moon occurs on the 12th house almost on the ascendant in Cancer, with inharmonious aspects of Saturn. What can produce a feeling that this as braking or no progress can be fully, or things to be achieved are delayed or become dormant, it is difficult to face or see the inside, forced to watch Saturn coldly harshly or obstacles, whether indoors or out, or that can produce internal errors, and states whether depressive or defeat. A curious thing about today is that the planets make a drawing like a 5-pointed star, so the power in the personal and power in the global and the world may conflict or be tested in some way, can release capabilities that have been hidden inside, and from the global point of view, you may discover things that have been hidden from the people. May be the case also are at stake new scientific and psychological, or otherwise associated with the human race. There will be attentive to the events of these days because they can make a significant event involving all humanity.

For the different signs:

Aries is the focus of the storm, but the positive aspects of Mercury and Jupiter are given endless opportunities and possibilities of action to cope with and resolve things. Very good chance of solving their economic situation and achievements in all matters relating to the profession, ability to change jobs.

Taurus tends to keep your goals clear, try not to change its position, and not dare to change. Many social activity, and a lot of contact with friends.

Gemini is like on positive energy, that despite what comes around, goes on and on acting, and with many good opportunities to expand its achievements. Many social activity and the possibility of loving touch.

Cancer question that the situation does not depressed, continue your usual strength and dynamic action, family situations may be riots but you do not. Some stroke of luck can bring it to change direction it is going.

I read this with a clear mind and well-targeted, solutions may be lawful things, or done to reach these studies may have been dormant. Good luck. Achievements in labor and money. Maybe new labor contract.

Virgo tends to have to face things that are legal or contractual, in case it can be distressing. Tends to have much contact with siblings or relatives.

Pound as always in the eye of the storm, the family situations do not help, perhaps a new relationship you a possibility of great change, both economically, as in the familiar.

Scorpio is with their ability to organize your financial situation is like on the matter, and with all batteries, ahead many new commercial and family situations. Situations with children, for children or pregnancies.

Sagittarius is having as a final achievements was integrating situations that are likely to start soon with a new cycle of goals. Possibility of new work or to renew the current.

Capricorn may feel pressured by work situations or family and bring it to have stress, but may have job opportunities, and making a long trip to work situations. Possibility of a new partner.

Aquarius is among the changes and routine, you may be raising a new relationship that makes you change your whole perspective of current or renew their relationship with the world.

Pisces can make a long journey, and find profound answers in the spirit world, it can lead to experiences that make you see a spiritual reality did not know.

RICARDO ZANI astrologer

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