The Sun is in the 10th house and the Moon in the 4th house, with many planetary aspects. This Full Moon promises a better balance in the area of international economics, and international politics, the greater increase in the workforce, many movements of people, or a lot of activity of international bodies to provide solutions to the current crisis. You might also consider new rules or reforms in the area of religion, it is likely to be a profound change in any religion or come to power a new religious leader, the Lilith conjunction with the Sun and Jupiter in the 10th house may indicate the end of a religious process, or the deep end or change a religious leader, or otherwise dark situation may be happening in religions or religious leaders. Venus and Mercury are in the 10th house, so the musicians, actors, writers, singers, and all partners to art, will benefit from this cause, you might reach a prestige or fame, unknown. Those in the sport also will benefit from these days. Large multinational companies achieve scale gains. It may be that a politician or economist importantly, reach a higher level or power, or to ascend to power a character that has international relevance. Those in the spiritual area, can reach very high or very deep, both sighted and what they do astral travel, perceptions, mediunidades, etc..
For different signs:
Aries can couple the situation is in crisis or need to make changes or reforms. You have to resolve legal problems or deep problems.
Taurus continues to mobilize his past, and the current situation may take abroad, has to travel, or travel through old things to solve.
Gemini goes with good enthusiasm, much strength for action, perhaps a great achievement or very fortunate situation.
Cancer very good time in the economic and professional success in all areas, especially those in the art, music, singing, art in general.
Leo situations may lead to having to perform under pressure, especially by contact with many people, a lot of social activity.
Virgo is emerging from difficult domestic situations or very lonely, very optimistic and reality in its overall approach.
Libra good time to stabilize money and professional level. Tensions with the couple.
Scorpio has a one, now improved at all levels, both professionally, as with money, home, and work.
Sagittarius is very attached to his family, and his home, feels it is his place of rest or safety.
Capricorn but want to stay much longer in your home, you probably have a lot of social activity, and a lot of movement of people in the household. Many changes.
Aquarius is very concerned about finances and their own world, or the ability to be much more than it currently shows.
Pisces good time and partner work, perhaps marriage proposals. Achievement scale. Deep insight or intuition.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
By birth charts to zanimiguel9@gmail.com