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05 de Abril, 2012    General

Aries Full Moon 06/04/2012

The Sun is in the 6th house and moon in the house 12, so work situations, social, psychological, and health are the most significant events of this full moon. You can be the end of a lot of internal processes or psychological, all those things that are waiting to be resolved within, appear as states, emotional climates, unintended reactions, desganos, stress, anxiety, depression, tendency to isolate themselves from others , with the need to reconsider life.These are good times to be with friendly people who give you support, go to a psychologist or therapist of alternative therapies, someone who is like a spiritual guide or self-help groups. Venus is square Neptune and Mars, so we have to guard against the deceptions and disappointments, maybe a relationship status comes to an end by deceit, can be generated uncompromising love affairs with married, separated, or widowed There will be careful not to drive drunk or drunk, because it can be fatal, and even abuse of drugs or alcohol can also be fatal. It can mean abortions, or loss of children, excessive drug or alcohol. Politicians and international politics can be like a time of observation of the facts, with the feeling that their power is stable or secure.
For the different signs:
Aries may have been relaxed somewhat of their tensions, and their decisions may be final in these days, and produce a strong change.Maybe a new job gives you a new way of approaching things, and even find a new partner in this work. New relationships that can bring luck.
Taurus must be careful of health. Maybe the economic or financial situations lead him to change his way of seeing reality, and create big changes. The luck continues to follow.
Gemini memories you may be holding them back, and want to use improper means to get out of the situation. Tendency to divorce or separation from partner. Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Cancer can you make a trip to relax or work situations, the results may not be in the short term, or are not desired.
Leo is a good time to achieve in every way, in the profession, in politics, in trade, work, etc..
Virgo eye with the deceptions and betrayals, especially in the sexual area, and emotional. Also do not use drugs or alcohol as an escape, because it can be fatal. But keep your goals clear and thrust force.
Libra feel like wanting to be alone or not to connect with others, or in any way romantic relationships do not give support or security required.
Scorpio can be very good starts or solutions of money, or financial, in very good time to stability in the economic
Sagittarius may have ambitions and goals in the material will be fully realized good time to progress in labor and material. Beware of scams to sign things.
Capricorn tends to resolve legal situations. You may also be coping emotional or sexual situations. Perhaps marriage proposals.
Aquarius loves his family, but you may need to get away from family pressure. Family reunification and family memories. Perhaps moving house.
Pisces tends to heartbreak, deceit or treachery. Tendency to separate the couple. Do not use drugs or alcohol as an escape because it can be fatal.
RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
For charts to
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