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15 de Abril, 2014    General

Aries Full Moon 04/15/2014

This full moon will be plagued by events , the Sun in Aries is conjunct the Lunar Node South , the moon is in Libra conjunct the Lunar Node Norte, means it is the time of great changes , since the Sun to be conjunct the South Node , we are touching the past, with everything that has not been done well, all errors as humanity have been dragging , both personally and in the mass , in politics, in the economy, religions , social, etc. . The Moon is in the North Node , so the targets or projections are especially based on generating new options , in particular on a new society, and generate new ways to get resources for society, new forms of work and new forms of healing disease . The Great Square continues its action, including Uranus, Mercury, Jupiter , Mars, and Pluto , which is what until July continues to complicate the global crisis, both political, economic, social, and severe weather , earthquakes, hurricane winds , volcanic eruptions, tidal waves , floods, etc. . There may be a drop in major stock exchange, and some countries in entering the great economic crisis , and also have to change their presidents or leaders ; are likely to continue growing attacks everywhere in the world. The conjunction of Venus - Neptune in Pisces can give spiritual encouragement to those who are on the path of seeking God , giving depth to intuition , perception, and capturing the astral or etheric , with the ability to sublimate with spiritual love, and offset voltage these days. Another problem that adds to these days is that the Black Moon or Lilith is square to the lunar nodes , so the betrayal and deceit will be full , and is likely to continue to conceal big government things to mankind .

For different signs :

Aries is the time to review the past , both errors and abilities, Uranus conjunction - Mercury gives them an unusual intelligence , have a good opportunity to renew your life.

Taurus is likely to feel isolated or out of everything, or the feeling of wanting to get away from others. Need to rest.

Gemini physical recovery is likely to begin to follow new paths , new friendships .

Cancer is likely to have economic growth or find new paths to make money or expand your business .

Leo with family situations may conflict , or browse should look well what is signed, because it can have serious delusions.

Virgo Financial Condition and creativity are more important in these days , good time for self-control and conscious handling situations . Maybe heartbreak .

Libra good time to organize your life , and find the right direction, good time for social and sexual relationships . Popularity .

Scorpio situations with good work , stability is presented in all áras , righteousness must grow.

Sagittarius good time in social and employment , ability and lucky to have a loving touch .

Capricorn needs to have more control over situations , what more should pay attention is health. Perhaps changes or travel abroad.

Aquarius good time in labor and profession , perhaps acknowledge their effort and dedication.

Pisces continues idyllic romantic relationships, and much social contact, social acceptance. Perhaps important decisions in your life , new direction to follow.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

For inquiries

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

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