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03 de Abril, 2015    General

Aries Full Moon 04/04/2015

This full moon is in Aries Sun 12 houses, and the 6th house Moon. This makes the internal psychological, spiritual, analytical and intuitive, values ​​are the most important elements to consider. The Sun is conjunct Mercury, Uranus, and South Lunar Node, making this enormous mental energy can be put into action to release old psychological, mental, spiritual problems, and experiences of the past time, especially those of previous lives, this is a very good time to make a deep analysis of the experiences of the past, all those things that make no express or can have as profound brake, the Sun gives us the light needed for viewing and analysis. The Moon is on the North Lunar Node and the 6th house, means it is the end of a cycle of deep problems, obstacles to old and new solutions to psychological, physical, and labor. It may be that it begin to achieve, gestate, objectives that have been dormant or held back for long, is a before and after pear many people. The downside of all these planets Pluto and the Lunar Nodes may indicate very large international conflict or crisis situations global push the world to change deeply optical or direction to follow, may also be the case there are changes drastic in some religions or profound changes for religious situations, death or abandonment or change of a political or religious leader. The astrological support of Saturn and Jupiter, in this astrological situation of the Moon, indicates that it has the possibility of righteousness, reliability, stability, consistency, positivity, expanción, and achievements of large-scale projects, both material and spiritual, psychological and karmic. Mars is on the ascendant in Taurus, making a lot of strength and optimism of action is taken, here sexuality is expressed with great force, and materiality as well. The square between Saturn and Neptune, Neptune is also opposed to Lilith, may indicate psychological problems of all kinds, depression, loneliness, feelings of abandonment, feelings of loss, uncertainty, doubts, phobias, low immune system, problems with blood pressure , liver toxicity, venous problems, etc; You can create all sorts of disease outbreaks, virus expanción scale, and the problem may be that this astrological situation will last several years, and pandemics puden proliferate for a long time or not having brake. This square can also cause tidal waves, mobilization of large-scale water, heavy rains, floods, undimientos ships or submarines problems, or problems at sea and marine life.Meet Me in St. Louis is in the 7th house, so may have weddings or very important partnerships, and some can achieve much fame and social expanción.For different signs:Aries lot of inner strength and great capacity to reform and solve old problems, profound changes of destination, need and be alone or spend time with little social contact.Taurus lot of inner strength, optimism, strength and much much sexual sexual magnetism. good social time, achievements in art music, singing, acting, and achievements in love.Potential for long trips.Gemminis perhaps can be with a little low, or depressed mood, or that things do not go their way, but it's a good time to materials and money achievements, changing jobs or have improvements at work or profession.Cancer is fully depressed about the situation is a point of profound changes, perhaps not with cute situations, but the world can be a completely different, family situations are the most important to solve. Travel may cause problems or conflicts. Probably bambie work or have to travel for work purposes.Leo good time in the family area, good time in every way, in labor, the couple, psychological, recovery from illness or problems. Changes and achievements may be complete.Virgo good moento expression and creativity, you probably feel a little alone or unaccompanied, good social time, eye deceptions and betrayals.Libra changes are complete, both the psychological, employment, recovery from diseases, social achievement, achievements in the profession, at home, achievements money, popularity, etc. End of a process and start a new one. New attitude and aptitude.Scorpio major social situations are in the area and the couple, good time lucky, social success, fame for some. Good time in romantic relationships.Sagittarius the biggest problems can be psychologically and health states of low mood, feeling that things are not going well. But Saturn gives them firmness, constancy and seridad to continue.Capricorn very demanded in every way, the changes are fully bound, a total change of address or reforms, travel can be very conflicting or severe problems, changes in the spiritual area. For some students I could mean dropout, or change of profession or career to follow. Perhaps some poasibilidad of a romance.Aquarius changes can be very positive changes in the profession, work, social elevation or fame, better lurar or remuneration in laroral, economic or professional independence.Pisces changes can be very difísiles to produce, you may have to decide to give end to a situation, or finish something estubo maintaining long, disappointments or dropouts. Many intuition, perhaps the help or support of any partner or someone who loves them. Good possibilities in the sexual area.RICARDO M. Zani astrologerBy birth charts to
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