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26 de Diciembre, 2013    General

2014 astrological predictions

This New Year begins with a particular planetary configuration , although astrology January first is not the Vernal or astrological starting point should be Aries. The year begins with a new moon , ie meet in conjunction the Sun, Moon , Pluto, and Mercury in Capricorn , this is making a big change in the political, social , economic, material , psychological or mental level , where the power is what is at stake , whether the development of personal power , psychological power , creative power , power transmission, power to materialize or specify the goals or objectives , and that meets the emotion , the self, consents rational power and strength. Is likely to be a milestone in our history, both globally and personally , as it may be marking a shift in consciousness in the inner awakening , and others in the wake in the negative consciousness , where the power and ambition can become extreme or total, ie situations in the world economy and powerful money , you may be doing or generating a new direction , in which many people do not accept and this can generate drop or change in leaders politicians and powerful countries. The issue is complicated because it is badly aspected conjunction with a square cross generated by Uranus , Mars, and Jupiter , marking the political and social conflicts will be a large scale, or weather events or earthquakes, or situations of inclement Earth, set new directions, may also be major armed conflicts generated during this year , as this grand square Pluto , Uranus , Jupiter, and Mars will continue for many months, until the end of June this year , aggravating other event 07/07/2014 July spectacular meaning , and dragging the whole situation is that this year will be living , if previous years were complicated it will be in an extreme state , and intractable . There will be always people like to avail the whole situation , and enrich large scale. Mars will be stationary for many months in Libra until 25 July this year , easing the grand square , Jupiter also will do the same out of Cancer July 14 , releasing the great astrological tension. Another complicated event will be the conjunction of Mars to Pluto , in October, staying square to Uranus , the tension here is really complicated in every way , plus Uranus will be in conjunction with the South Lunar Node , forcing humanity to have to change human and material resources that have been dragging so long values.

The rest of the specific astrological events 'll communicating as we are in these days.


To consutas

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings Without knowledge , not live

 EGO transmute in Self-Esteem Without understanding, I do not exist

 Make life a conscious reality Without love , I'm not 

Palabras claves , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 12:58 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
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