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24 de Diciembre, 2015    General

12.25.2015 Capricorn Full Moon

This Full Moon occurs between houses 12 and 6, so as important these days is health, work, psychological, what personal.Can there are changes in labor, new opportunities emerge in some plight, by joblessness, insecurity may be in self, feeling of being alone, or is not fully understood, but is forced to act externally. Pluto is on the up, with mercury, so you may force an extra internal power has to handle situations with a lot of willpower; it is in disharmonious Uranus is in the house 4, then the biggest problems or changes to be made is in the area of ​​family or home, perhaps wanting to move house, or make strong reforms in family status. Venus is in good aspects to the Lunar Nodes and Jupiter, so may be brewing new sentimental or loving projects, social projects, large-scale, fame, achievement in the couple, or couple, wedding plans, love affairs or couple very durable and very fruitful achievements in travel, achievements in the relationship between countries or the international relations, research achievements, achievements for athletes, many spiritual experiences, great religious demonstrations, perhaps new projects in some religions. Saturn continues inharmonious with Neptune, so the inner tendency may be to uncertainty, the disappointment, defeat, staff abandonment, depression, loneliness, tendency to escapism through drugs and alcohol, and virus problems infections, etc. Squaring Mars Mercury can produce thoughtless, reckless attitudes, and even risk their lives for nothing, do extreme sports and even do things that other time we would not do in a conscious moment.For different signs:Aries are continuing tensions in the area of ​​family or home, perhaps wanting to move house, or do great changes at home. His fighting force does not decrease, and not sexual magnetism.Taurus good time for creativity in every way, especially for artists, very demanded in love, and external relations can be pressing.Gemminis good time for physical recovery, and tackle disease, good time on the work area.Cancer much social magnetism, a lot of contact with people, luck in the area of ​​the couple, the wheel of fortune can bring them luck in love, and good luck in marriage for those who are not. Job opportunities.Leo are doing a lot of reforms, internal and external, are taking more control of situations, but they may be having a pronounced stress by much tension.Virgo is a great time for this sign, are able to program things that can be large-scale projects or large positivity, both material and spiritual achievements in travel, achievements in love.Libra can have significant achievements in the profession or social. You may be exposed to treachery or negatively influence people. Much sexual magnetism. Many internal security.Scorpio are very confident with their plans many social activities, increased creativity, luck in love relationships.Sagittarius are the tendency to solitude, try not to give in to defeat, or depression, or internal insecurity.Capricorn on the one hand tend to want to be alone, but his need for power or control all leads in touch with others, and strongly project their ideas.Aquarius tensions will come indirectly, stand everything is scrambled, but they have their own security, and freedom, achievements in the area of ​​money or material things.Pisces are too tight as to past situations, and tend to want to be alone, with little external support, and only have their own strength.For native cards to . RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer
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