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03 de Octubre, 2013    General

10/05/2013 Libra New Moon

This New Moon occurs in the house 3, the relatives and writings, here the mind becomes more concentrated , and variable typical Libra, trying to see all possible situations , changing emotional and mental level can be considerable depth or extremely significant. The situations can be extreme in every way, and may be pushing strongly change of attitude towards life , both emotional and mental, social and cultural concepts tend to change very entrenched in our minds . Maybe the people who are studying or are following a career in particular tend to want to leave , or be confused with what you are doing , so my advice is not to take hasty decisions on these days , maybe the situation of the family , social or general environment is pressing so that makes you want to throw everything out the window. You have to wait for everything that is happening and calm pace , in order to make better decisions based on reasoning and quiet . From the international point of view or political , can be a profound crisis , especially by law or ideologies , the opposition of ideas or ideals may be doing a total breakdown or large scale . It is likely that the manifestations of the companies reach an extreme point or wanting real change and total impatience will be total or extreme , perhaps many social revolutions in many countries simultaneously, to generate a real change , especially Libra countries having a focal point , Cancer, Capricorn, and Aries. The revolution can also be a spiritual and psychological level , is how you react to once and for all .

For different signs :

Aries is in the act of change or transformation or rebellion, especially in the spiritual realm . Many fighting force and action force , good time for athletes. Achievements in profession.

Taurus can be a little disoriented with the direction to go , or at least the situation can be overwhelming. Or maybe the family is handling your situation.

Gemini has clear goals , and is handling the situation very clearly , despite the current situation.

Cancer is probably something with little force or depressed , or in any way situations you may be escaping control , however it is good time to delve into the psychological and spiritual .

Leo is going through a dual situation , one side is strongly positive , especially sexually, but otherwise they're putting some situations in emotional conflict with the possibility of emotional breakdowns .

Virgo good time to trade or economic situations , stability with money.

Pound changes in the social, emotional and mental. Attitudes of rebellion or revolution.

Scorpio on the one hand is likely to be organizing your home or family , or somehow be integrated . On the other hand some loving conflict situation .

Sagittarius good time for actors , teachers , and people who care for or work with children.

Capricorn despite the current crisis, has the strength to face everything , maybe they need to change jobs, but try to wait for a more positive situation .

Aquarius situations leads them to seek refuge in the couple , and perhaps have an unusual dependence , but this will lead to value the couple , love relationships and the benefit of love couple.

Pisces pressure these days there is alien , deceptions and disappointments, may feel very required or pressured by social relations , perhaps a cut or sexual romantic relationships .

Ricardo M. Zani Astrologer

Personalized Astrology

The awakening of consciousness Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings

 Transmute the EGO in Self-Esteem

 Convert the life in a conscious reality

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