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07 de Julio, 2013    General

07/08/2013 Cancer New Moon conjunction with Sirius

This new moon occurs on the 11th house, the objectives or goals, in conjunction with Mercury. The excitement is mixed with the rational mind, giving the possibility to strongly activate memory, since this mixture conjunction with the unconscious conscious, deep to reach the psyche, and solve deep problems, coupled with the memory and consciousness . It also gives the possibility of planning or making the goals real, to the mental and emotional strength to work together. It's great time for writers and artists, where imagination must be activated deeply, and astrological support Saturn and Neptune give more depth, creativity, perseverance, honesty, reliability, and precision. You may reach international renown great fame or an artist, painter, musician, singer or writer. Cancer gives prestige or reputation when well, so for many people this day can be a magic moment or special order to achieve an expansion, to be accepted or achieve popularity and social recognition. The square of Uranus and Pluto opposition may indicate a lot of default or non-acceptance of the social or economic circumstances, then you take a separatist attitude or no integration, then this position of the Moon reveal new generation and not get into it social, being a separatist, so they may have large demonstrations to protest separatist governments or international politics. Pluto Opposition Mars, Jupiter, and lilith, and squaring Uranus may indicate a serious armed conflict or difficult situation between countries or within some countries, maybe one or some countries have some internal revolution, in which it can fall any leader or political regime. Jupiter and Mars are also in the 11th house, so that the goals or objectives have strong-performing, especially with regard to construction, animal husbandry, purchase or sale of properties or houses, purchase or sale of land, fishing etc.. Masculinity can be increased, or multiple actions in the area of ​​sexuality. Is likely to increase in pregnancies, and births of children. The trend indicates Pluto opposition to abortions or trouble having children. Venus is in the 12th house and square to the Nodes, so the theme of love will be affected in many emotional crises or couple, tending to separation and alienation, or hidden or covert relationships.

For different signs:

Aries is at its maximum of rebellion, or pressure situations. Try not to react with violence, or having temperamental outbursts spoil it.

Taurus if it solves situations of the past, is likely to have a major change of achievements or successes, is likely to be past capabilities to help you face what's coming.

Gemini goals are becoming more specific or are materializing. Good time to make new plans.

Cancer good time to make changes or new things, and to have social achievements or prestige. Good time for artists.

Leo may be the couple or their feelings are in crisis or in doubt, needs many days to discuss the situation. But the wheel of fortune accompanies them.

Virgo good time to have money and achievements in the profession, good balance for what is coming.

Pound solving situations they may be legal, good time for writers, and those who are studying.

Scorpio good time of change and stability in the home and family, start a family tendency to short.

Sagittarius children are the epicenter of the situations, and the family economy, it is likely that you are pushing for situations everywhere, make decisions that are not long-term.

Capricorn despite all the pressure, looming very good chance of success in his endeavors, achievements of the children, gains in labor.

Aquarius love can be hitting their doors, or somehow the situation leads many people to relate to and be exposed but can shine equally.

Pisces excellent time both personally and in the couple, perhaps paired with a deep relationship, both spiritual and material.

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

By birth charts to

                                          WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE, NOT LIVE

                                       WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING, NOT EXIST

                                                   WITHOUT LOVE, I AM


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