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05 de Abril, 2014    General

04/06/2014 grand square

In this day ends to fully establish the Great Square of both spoken and have said since December , which runs until July this year, and starring Pluto , Uranus , Jupiter , Mars, and temporarily add the Sun on this day , the Moon , Venus, and Mercury transits .

The fact that occur in the cardinal signs , which are always changes , or transitions , lo, these planets can make for the duration of this position , changes that can last for many years , or situations that they are marked in the memory of most people , either through the weather, or the World , or perhaps influences that are beyond human capabilities to handle the situation political situation. What may occur is more violence, little patience , irrational and uncontrolled acts , abuse of power , attitudes of wanting to impose the will on others with complete coldness and coercion, all violations , fraud, stock market crash , large mobilizations people protest or repudiation by the surfeit toward political or economic situation, the shortage is the preponderance , or few resources, or the feeling that things are as braking, then the excesses of frustration may be higher than usual , and by the reactions it causes to the environment and to others , rebellion will be higher, and the need of wanting freedom , or wanting to end situations that may be taking too long, and given a final blow. Sexuality can be in excess, family , resources, and creativity in crisis. From a positive point of view it may mean something to the end and make a fresh start or new structure. The situation can also occur as if things in our usual life we can not integrate or Hurdling them all in the same direction , can be seen as antagonistic situations that have no integration , and develop as separate activities. Compounding the entire astrological situation is these days or squaring Lilith Black Moon to Lunar Nodes , making the situation more critical , adding not know what direction to go , or not having a clear direction to or on the other hand it may be that the non-integration of the planets makes the future is uncertain, or otherwise does not know where he is going to stop what we are living , uncertainty will exaservada , and somehow we must be attentive to massive betrayals and manipulations of politicians, because it looks to be in a moment of extreme , fraudulent and questionable decisions. If situations are generated by weather or the planet , would be extreme destruction , either as tremors , earthquakes, hurricane winds , extreme rainfall , tsunamis , volcanic activity, extreme weather, etc. . On the other hand the problems may be aggravated by disease , bone problems , nervous system , spine, joints, pancreas, liver , skin rashes and different types of dry , constant headaches , excessive body temperature , blood pressure problems , bladder problems and prostate problems expiratory etc. .

On the Sun , and the Moon will be on the Grand Square are as follows , 14-4 20/21-4- , 27-4 , 4-5, 11-5, 18-5 , 24-5 1 -6 , 8-6 - , 14-6 , 20-6 , 27-6 , 28-6 , 4-7, 5-7 - , 6-7 , 7-7 , 8-7 , 9-7 , 10 -7, 11-7, 12-7 , 13-7 .

The days that follow but begins to disassemble the Grand Square days after 7/13/2014 , other planets are in conflict , relating to and go . If there were something significant as visible external event , surely must be brewing something you will see in the months or years later visible somehow the astrological influence will influence humanity in one way or another , and can not forget somehow we will be marked by situations of this squared cross in Cardinal signs .

RICARDO M. ZANI astrologer

For inquiries

 The awakening of consciousness 07/07/2014 - Being One

 Transforming Emotions in Feelings     Without knowledge , not live

 EGO transmute in Self-Esteem          Without understanding, I do not exist

 Make life a conscious reality              Without love , I'm not

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