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03 de Enero, 2015    General

Capricorn Full Moon 04/01/2015

 23hs53' Cusco

This Full Moon is the Sun in the 4th house along with Pluto and the Moon in the 10th house or Midheaven, so home and family is presented as the most important or the focus of pressure, is receiving increased tension or need solution; Moon is in the 10th house by allowing him to gestate new options for social and economic solutions. This full moon is square to the Lunar Nodes that are on the up (North Node) and the South Node on the 7th house, along with Uranus, so it can... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:59 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
20 de Diciembre, 2014    General

Capricorn New Moon 12/21/2014

 Capricorn New Moon 12/21/2014  29hs33´ Cuzco

This New Moon occurs in the 5th house in Capricorn, so changes can be personal in the area of creativity, expression of personality, control of finances, and contact with children or children. It is likely that these days many children gesten because Jupiter helps positively to this ... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 11:58 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Octubre, 2014    General

Mars in Capricorn 10.26.2014


Here Mars acts much more cold and calculating, and not to take action and Sagittarius, is more diplomatic and cautious, reserved, and save or save to the action, to see first what he needs or wants, and evaluate resources, before acting, as Capricorn loves work and be aware of time, thinking and reasoning to act the consequences. So here Mars gives strength or... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:27 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
15 de Enero, 2014    General

Capricorn Full Moon 01/16/2014

This full moon like the conjunction Sun - Venus -Pluto , marking a time of profound change, internal and external conflicts and , the personal with the impersonal coldness of emotions in counterpart with the need to connect to others, it may be that feelings have to be tightly controlled , or want to have power in any form , or lethargic and frustrations things are skin deep , and loss of patience is most feasible. This can cause you want to make changes in any way, even with... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 13:14 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
30 de Diciembre, 2013    General

Capricorn New Moon 01/01/2014

This New Moon is profoundly important , complex , critical , and transformative . The Sun, the Moon, Mercury, and Pluto are in conjunction, this planetary deep emotional connection produces a rational connection , strength , awareness, power of manifestation . You can make the changes on a large scale , as Pluto the great transformer , the power of the will, the governing bodies , and consent management of society, so the biggest changes in this time following until next year at... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:20 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
10 de Enero, 2013    General

Capricorn New Moon 11/01/2013

This New Moon occurs in the 5th house, conjunct Mercury, in good aspect to the lunar nodes. Creativity, personality expression, the inner self, the most important of this event, will power, accompanied by the power of love and the rational capacity. It's a good time for those in the theater and they have to be at a large scale expression. is a good time for international politics and politicians, by the great prospects that can reach in any type of long-term negatives. The Lunar Nodes are... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 15:53 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
27 de Diciembre, 2012    General

Capricorn Full Moon 12/28/2012

This full moon occurs between 11 houses the Sun, and the 5th house the Moon in good aspect to Pluto, Saturn, and Chiron, Uranus and inharmonious. There is a grand trine between the Moon, Saturn and Neptune, making the spiritual, psychological, perceptual, seriousness, constancy, endurance, target depth, is present in this day.The see the Sun conjunct Pluto in the house 11, makes it possible to manage external and internal situations, with better security or power, goals and objectives tend to... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:13 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
05 de Enero, 2012    General

Capricorn Full Moon 09-01-2012

The Sun is in the ascendant and the Moon in the 7th house, in good aspect with Mars. Will power and self expression, will be up for action. It can do things that at other times you may feel inhibited to act, giving the possibility of projection of self, with seriousness, constancy, coolness, and computing power of Capricorn.... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:36 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
20 de Diciembre, 2011    General

Capricorn New Moon 12/24/2011

The new moon in Capricorn is in the house 6, in conjunction with Pluto, in good aspect with Neptune, Chiron, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and disharmonious. It may mean that there would be a great revival in the workforce en masse, or it could create new ways of reviving the economy.... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 21:23 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar

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