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07 de Agosto, 2017    General

Leo Full Moon 7-8-2017

Aries very good moments, a lot of mobility or action, personal independence, very active especially in intelligence, creativity, perception, construction, electronics, science, etc. Good time to build or structure the future and the present, you can present very good opportunities, travel, studies, companies, solutions of things of the past, etc.Taurus can be recovering from diseases, or problems in general, the situation may be pressing somehow, good situations in the labor, fate seems to be... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 09:12 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
17 de Agosto, 2016    General

Leo Full Moon 18/08/2016

In this moon the sun is over the house 12 almost up, and the moon over the house 6 almost 7, so psychological and health is most important, and the subject also work. The situation is likely to generate a lot of stress on people, the sensation of being alone, or no support or assistance of some sort. It is good time to make a psychological review, go to therapists of some sort, to find internal solutions. Venus is conjunct on Lunar Node North, and this can produce the meeting of very important... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 09:26 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
26 de Octubre, 2015    General

Scorpio Full Moon 27/10/2015

This Scorpio Full Moon occurs between houses 12 The Sun and the Moon house 6 may indicate that things are being done, on the one hand dissipate or do not have the strength and the expected outcome, or tend to want to be alone or away from each other, with the need to review his life and solve those things that are like a psychological torment, it is a good time to visit the doctor, the psychologist, and solve problems by disease. But on the other hand the moon is in the 6th house of work and the ... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 20:30 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
11 de Octubre, 2015    General

New Moon in Libra 10/12/2015

I think in this new moon of Libra, it is somehow a repercussion of what was experienced in the previous year. The Sun and Moon are in the 6th house, the work and health, so this is what more will be affected, or most influential; tensions may arise and stress physical or occupational and backwards problems, perhaps oppressive situations at work do you want to change jobs. Work trips do not give the expected results. The other planetary aspects are also quite inharmonious, that will affect... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 14:27 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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