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Entradas por tag: wisdom
29 de Septiembre, 2016    General

Libra New Moon 30/09/2016

This New Moon Libra is much more positive than before, since it is accompanied by Jupiter, so knowledge, wisdom, kindness, expand of love, beauty, creativity in art, healing, beginning benign new projects, or expand of previous or current projects, is a good time to grow in knowledge, especially for researchers, scientists, architects, doctors, artists, travelers, foreign and domestic trade, etc. This triple combination is inharmonious with Mars, so it's probably people to... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:15 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
23 de Agosto, 2016    General

Jupiter - Mercury conjunct 22/08/2016

This conjunction of Jupiter with Mercury is to connect the mind with the spirit and wisdom, is the possibility of expanding knowledge, to see details in the great, or the projection into the future. It is good time for students, writers, researchers, scientists, travelers and all who are in the area of the spiritual, mathematics, accountants, economists, etc. A mundane level it is likely that large contracts are established at the enterprise level, or between nations, new economic and political ... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 22:00 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Febrero, 2016    General

Pisces Full Moon 22/02/2016

This Full Moon occurs between houses 9 and 3, it means that everything that has to do with knowledge, wisdom, learning, memory, schooling, expressing the knowledge gained, is most important in these days. As the Sun is in Pisces conjunct Neptune, intuition, perception, astral clairvoyance, attracting forces or energies, or messages from other planes can be current or present. It might very vivid dreams, precognitive dreams you have, or that intuition is so deep it reaches a certain something... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 22:39 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
04 de Enero, 2016    General

Sun - Pluto in conjunction 01/05/2016

This conjunction occurs in Capricorn, the sun represents the light, the higher wisdom, magnanimity, power, self, and Pluto represents the mass conscious, too conscience or power to change and to reform or transform; so both together represent the inner power to make profound changes, power drive situations more consciously, or will, or find more easily the personal control, and be able to reform, change, manage and transform the domestic environment. This is important especially for those who... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 20:58 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
24 de Octubre, 2015    General

Jupiter - Venus conjunct 25 - 10-2015

This combination has been occurring since a few months ago, and his influence is quite pronounced, the two positive planets are mixed, and the feminine and masculine energy, giving all kinds of possibilities of achievement, spiritual, material, loving connections all type feel confident and unlimited power to do and achieve, create, investigate, learn, develop, etc. Kindness, love, beauty and wisdom come together to give all kinds of creative potential, in particular the possibility of... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 13:03 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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