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16 de Agosto, 2014    General

Venus - Jupiter conjunct 18/08/2014

Venus - Jupiter conjunct 5hs21' 18/08/2014 

This conjunction of Venus with Jupiter in Leo, may mean that the two planets share many beneficial opportunities to expand all sorts of things, emotions, spiritual, profits, resources, kindness, expression of the heart, cures all kinds disease, expand the mind and... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 20:17 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
01 de Agosto, 2014    General

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 08/02/2014

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 08/02/2014 19hs33´

This conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in Leo, makes the concrete mix and rational mind with wisdom, so the mind expands to a greater extent than usual, this means that knowledge can be achieved in other moments... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:56 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
15 de Julio, 2014    General

Jupiter in LEO 07/16/2014

Jupiter in LEO 07/16/2014

The entry of Jupiter in Leo makes the look I magnified, pride, direct expression, honesty, expression of the heart, magnanimous, elevation, expansion of light, will power, nobility, etc.. Nobility is enlarged, as men and women of power, whether political or economic, and spiritual area. The largest planet... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:57 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Julio, 2013    General

Mars - Jupiter conjunct 07/22/2013

This occurs in conjunction mime full moon day, but at different times. It is in the 11th house, the objectives or goals to make or project, in conjunction also with Lilith and Black Moon and Mercury also beside them. Both planets are in force and action, and male character in a feminine sign and social, so much action is expected strength, and... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:05 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
18 de Junio, 2013    General

Jupiter conjunct Sun 06/19/2013

  This conjunction of Sun - Jupiter is very beneficial in every way, sunlight joins the expansive force of Jupiter, all kinds of actions can be generated here, whether the material point of view and spiritual type, the masculine force is the most widely beneficial here, and provides action, mind and spirit, movement, and depth of criteria. The desire to travel or to learn will be mobilized, it... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:20 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
27 de Mayo, 2013    General

Venus - Jupiter conjunct 05/28/2013

This conjunction Venus - Jupiter is one of the most positive, as the largest charity meets the charity retail. Venus is the love, beauty, harmony, emotional, connection with others through feeling, choice, Jupiter expansion, remote viewing, generosity, traveling, spirituality, sports, etc.. It's a great time in the spiritual realm, where you can go really deep, combined with the need to love... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:28 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
26 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 05/27/2013

This conjunction of Mercury - Jupiter in Gemini, give intellectual or mental depth, which at other times can not be achieved, it is mixed with the concrete mind expansion and future vision, the ability to see the details in the massive, and power projecting forward thinking. It's a good time for writers, sculptors,... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:15 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
11 de Junio, 2012    General

Jupiter in Gemini in conjunction with Alcyon 06/12/2012

 06/12/2012 On Jupiter would be the height of Alcyon, giving a very important spiritual opening for all mankind, in all planetary aspects of these days, it is equally or more important than the new moon of Gemini Day 05/20/2012, as the sun would be up to Orion, this may be a true gateway to open new evolutionary flow of energy for our planet, and therefore the human race. Beyond whether or not there are significant events that mark a situation, this will start a new process in humanity,... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:53 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
10 de Junio, 2012    General

Jupiter in Gemini 06/11/2012

 The entrance of Jupiter in Gemini is produced in house 7, almost in conjunction South Node of the Moon. This entry makes the mind Gemini is favored, enlarged positive, spiritualized, etc. So Gemini is the sign that more will benefit from the positive as Jupiter will open doors that may have been closed in all areas of life. Can reach old projects that bring past life, both social, spiritual, family situations, cultural, artistic, political, creative, buildings, etc.. The air signs and... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:25 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
21 de Mayo, 2012    General

Mercury conjunct Jupiter 05/22/2012

This combination occurs in 11th house in Taurus. Mercury the mind, the rational consent, in Taurus mind is made more concrete, more associated with the matter, to want stability and safety in everything that surrounds it, the... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:05 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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