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19 de Julio, 2013    General

Mars - Lilith in conjunction 07.20.2013

 Mars conjunct or Black Moon Lilith is a very negative connection point, since sexuality is mixed with Black Moon unconscious action. Here you can free a lot of dark energy, as well as for witchcraft rituals and high-end. The release of this energy can lead people to commit all sorts of acts of fraud, double or clandestine relationships, violent reactions, revenge of sorts, extreme betrayals, fights, acts... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:37 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
27 de Mayo, 2013    General

Venus - Jupiter conjunct 05/28/2013

This conjunction Venus - Jupiter is one of the most positive, as the largest charity meets the charity retail. Venus is the love, beauty, harmony, emotional, connection with others through feeling, choice, Jupiter expansion, remote viewing, generosity, traveling, spirituality, sports, etc.. It's a great time in the spiritual realm, where you can go really deep, combined with the need to love... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:28 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
26 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 05/27/2013

This conjunction of Mercury - Jupiter in Gemini, give intellectual or mental depth, which at other times can not be achieved, it is mixed with the concrete mind expansion and future vision, the ability to see the details in the massive, and power projecting forward thinking. It's a good time for writers, sculptors,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:15 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
20 de Mayo, 2013    General

Sol - 05.21.2013 conjunct Alcyone

This year I return to talk about the passing of Sun Alcyone, the importance to the earth, as our sun revolves around Alcyone, taking about 28,000 or 26,000 years to turn around. This combination enables the attitude of serving others or to serve the community, work together or coordinated, the Moon is in Libra and in the 9th house, so the spiritual activity in the world will be a large scale, with large changes and... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 17:50 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
11 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mars - 05/12/2013 South Lunar Node

Mars is the force, heat, energy, enthusiasm, fighting force, sexuality, initiation, head, etc., in Taurus is slow, but with great force of conviction, drive, and stable or constant. In conjunction with the South Lunar Node can be activated old relationships with people, sexually either had relationships in this life or in a previous life, it can also be the case to find her sexual couple, or cut with... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:50 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
08 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mercurio - Nodo Lunar Sur en conjunción 9-5-2013

Aquí Mercurio en Tauro la mente se hace más lenta , racional, paro muy concreta, definida, estable, y materialista, pone toda su capacidad en concretar o hacer concretas sus necesidades y objetivos, todo lo que se quiere es materializable, o empujado por un realismo que en otros momentos no se tiene. Al estar en conjunción con el Nodo Lunar Sur, es probable que se tengan recuerdos muy vividos de vidas anteriores, y se encuentren capacidades mentales que no se creía se... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:23 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
08 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mars - Mercury conjunct 05/08/2013

Mars strength, energy, enthusiasm, sex, head, heat, Mercury the concrete mind, reasoning, the details, the inquiry and curiosity, both planets together make a very keen mind, with great force to act , join the excitement and reasoning, giving the possibility to have many things to look forward, to solve... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 06:07 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
06 de Mayo, 2013    General

Sol - Lunar South Node conjunct 07/05/2013

The South Lunar Node is the part of us of the things we bring from a previous life, all unsolved, and things like record of lived experience, and potential or capabilities of what worked and done, that is why the Node Lunar north are the projects that are to be made of the unresolved and passed. Here the Sun in Taurus is the connection to the ancient past, with the deep memory of oneself, of all your needs,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:16 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
27 de Abril, 2013    General

Venus - South Lunar Node 4/29/2013

Here Venus love, marriage, the couple, art and justice, beauty and ability to harmonize or embellish, in conjunction with the South Node, tends to produce memories sentimental type, associated with the past, whether it life or previous life, you tend to remember or find people in the past, or may be the case that things were not resolved in a previous life with respect to the couple, or with a partner, become the postures or situations or with current partner. It may also be the case of taking... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 20:33 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
18 de Abril, 2013    General

Uranus - Mercury conjunct 04/20/2013

Uranus has to do with the technical, the humanist, science, research, collection of thoughts through the air or space, is a superior intelligence, and is an octave higher than love of Venus, Mercury is the reasoning the concrete mind, observation, the details, the mental energy transmission through the nervous system, and activation of thought in action. Here the two planets together make ... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 17:55 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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