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Entradas por tag: mercury
Mostrando 1 a 10, de 19 entrada/s en total:
16 de Octubre, 2014    General

Sol - Mercury conjunct 10/16/2014

 Sol - Mercury conjunct 20hs40' 16/10/2014 

Continue the positive days, or more positive than it has been this year, this Sun-Mercury conjunction in Libra, makes the concrete mind is joined with the ego of Sunlight, making you a great shine mind,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 15:36 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
16 de Septiembre, 2014    General

Mercury - Lunar North Node conjunct 13hs20' 09/17/2014

Mercury - Lunar North Node conjunct 13hs20' 09/17/2014 

Mercury conjunct the Lunar Node North in Libra, is a very good time to structure things in the future, solve old problems,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:34 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
01 de Agosto, 2014    General

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 08/02/2014

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 08/02/2014 19hs33´

This conjunction of Mercury and Jupiter in Leo, makes the concrete mix and rational mind with wisdom, so the mind expands to a greater extent than usual, this means that knowledge can be achieved in other moments... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:56 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
18 de Junio, 2014    General

Mercury conjunct Sun 6/19/2014

Mercury conjunct Sun 6/19/2014 22hs52´

This conjunct the Sun to Mercury mind and reasoning in late Gemini is much stronger and deeper, clearer the effect of this action, mental relations or communication will be much more fluid, making international politics be a little more... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 18:37 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
24 de Abril, 2014    General

Sol - Mercury conjunct 04/26/2014

This conjunction Sun - Mercury, in Taurus, the heart is... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:25 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Abril, 2014    General

Mercury - Lunar South Node conjunct 04/22/2014

 Mercury - Lunar South Node conjunct 04/22/2014 14hs26´

Mercury conjunct South Lunar Node indicates that in a previous life a rationalist attitude was , and very combative or quarrelsome , strongly criticize or demean others see them as inferior , and now the need for knowledge was very large. For some reason we... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 17:31 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
25 de Noviembre, 2013    General

Mercury - Saturn conjunct 11/26/2013

This Saturn- Mercury makes a union of conscious and rational mind , with righteousness , security , reliability , consistency , as calculated or structured . It is good time for those who are in mathematics , economics , research , psychology , science in general, etc. . As Scorpio works secretly and with much reservation, many things will be activated or expressed secretly , or trying to hide it to others, especially in the area of international politics , international economy and domestic... Continuar leyendo
Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 21:22 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
05 de Octubre, 2013    General

Mercury - Lunar North Node conjunct 10/06/2013

Mercury is in Scorpio , so that the mind is very concentrated and tend to save or hide their thoughts, to make their actions in a hidden or quiet, strong- running. So in conjunction with the North Lunar Node gives the possibility to make and execute all those goals and objectives that have as main . The writers , mathematicians , psychologists, politicians , economists , scientists , builders , architects,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 17:46 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
26 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mercury - Jupiter conjunct 05/27/2013

This conjunction of Mercury - Jupiter in Gemini, give intellectual or mental depth, which at other times can not be achieved, it is mixed with the concrete mind expansion and future vision, the ability to see the details in the massive, and power projecting forward thinking. It's a good time for writers, sculptors,... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:15 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
23 de Mayo, 2013    General

Mercury conjunct Venus 05.24.2013

This conjunction of Venus, Mercury produces a mixture of feeling and thought, in which the mind can be directed with force, conviction and creativity. It is a special moment for everyone in the area of ​​art, music, singing, writing, for writing stories, books, or somehow the expression of thoughts and... Continuar leyendo

Palabras claves , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:44 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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