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05 de Abril, 2013    General

Venus - Mars conjunct 07/04/2013

This conjunction occurs in the house 1, Aries, reinforcing Aryan influences. Many days ago that is taking this combination, also associated with other planets, but on this day are in perfect conjunction. Venus the planet of love, peace, beauty, the connection between the two, and Mars in Aries force, action, excitement, sexuality, war, or fighting, both make a sort of... Continuar leyendo

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publicado por eduardoraul a las 20:15 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
28 de Marzo, 2013    General

Sun - Venus conjunct Uranus 29/03/2013

On this day also brought into conjunction Sun - Uranus, Uranus - Venus, and Venus - Sun, is a very important day at astrology, the great significance that the Sun is connected with these two planets, which have to do with love, one for the couple, and the other that of humanistic, which together can give a great depth in feeling, and the possibility of major events and humanitarian actions. Technical, scientific, mechanical, with maximum power of inspiration and light, great inventions or... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:08 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
21 de Marzo, 2013    General

Mars - Uranus conjunct 03/22/2013

Mars is in force, action, sex, excitement, energy, home, Uranus is independent, rebellious, dynamic, mechanical, energy and quick action. Both are like lightning force with a force powerful action and electricity, energy enthusiasm, and an unusual magnetism for sexuality, and a lot of rebellion in action, and therefore very little patience, patience is here exhausted, because both come into play, here is thought and done, hardly reasonable. These days are very complicated because they can act... Continuar leyendo
Palabras claves , , ,
publicado por eduardoraul a las 19:41 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar
29 de Diciembre, 2012    General

Sun - Pluto conjunct 30/12/2012

This combination is produced in house 8 almost 9, in good aspect with Saturn, and Uranus and Jupiter inharmonious. The sun gives Pluto here all the power of action, strength, research capability, capacity to investigate and go to the most and the deepest, with the ability to solve complex problems, especially in the psychological, the paranormal, and the science in particular. Power is what else is in action, especially awakens hidden capabilities to change and transform all complex and all... Continuar leyendo
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publicado por eduardoraul a las 16:25 · Sin comentarios  ·  Recomendar

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